Last week I did my first Pay It Forward day. I am doing it on Tuesdays when I do it, but if you pick up the image (it's right over there to your left) and decide to Pay It Forward, there are no rules. You can do it whenever you want. Isn't that marvelous? I am trying to do several things. I want my friends to become friends with one another. I want my friends to discover blogs that I think they will enjoy. I want to save my friends all that time of wading through blogs that aren't really their cup of tea. So, when I do this Pay It Forward event I will select three people, and pick out a few blogs that I think that they will enjoy reading. Hopefully, I will choose right. No guarantees there.
Can you Pay It Forward even if I didn't select your blog this week? Yes. If I did select your blog this week, do you have to Pay It Forward? No. There really are no rules. Do I hope that you will choose to Pay It Forward? Yes. Why? Because it is tiresome to find really good blogs out there. It seems like you have to wade through a lot of mediocre ones to find the good ones. It is a nice thing for a friend to say, "Well, I read this one and I think you would really enjoy it, too." Because chances are they would. That is paying it forward.
First up is Kimber at Convergence:
Sharon at Musings of a Mercurial Woman
Liza at Middle Passages
Phoenix at Res Ipsa Loquitur
Second Up is Kim at Saving My Life:
Margot Potter at the impatient blogger
Patsy at Musings on a 100 lbs Weight loss Journey
Linda at Bar Mitzvahzilla
Third Up is That one girl at What Was I Saying Again:
Truthful Mommy at The Truth About Motherhood
Yenta Mary the Food Floozie
Leiah at A Southern Belle Trying Not To Rust
Okay, that is it for this week. When you drop in, leave a comment, and let them know I sent you. I hope you decide to become friends. If not, I will take another crack at this next week! Who am I kidding? I will take a crack at it next week even if you become the best of pals. I will just test my skills out on three different people!
Ah, you're a fellow yenta with your speed dating here! Thank you for thinking I'm worthy of being found ... :) You're right -- you kiss a lotta frogs before finding a good blog out there. I can go to parties and link-ups and all that, and go to site after site that's disappointing. Then, all of a sudden, I see something enchanting or amusing or erudite or wise, and it makes it worthwhile ... well, sorta, 'cause I could've been doing laundry or cleaning the house or cooking or something while I did all that hunting. So many thanks for facilitating the matchmaking! If you think these sites are worthy, I'll go poke around myself ....
ReplyDeleteThanks Robin! Your matchmaking skills have worked so far ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely rest of your Tuesday!
I still have to match my blogging friends up from the blog I did LAST week. Darn computer getting me all behind with things I wanted to get done :-(
ReplyDeleteThanks for the bloggy love sista - you're the best! Although as much would love the extra traffic it may cut into your chance of winning the cookbook...lol! But here's a secret - I've got another one coming this month from a big time author. Shhhh, ok?
ReplyDeletePS: Guess who I may be hanging out with this weekend - Candance,the original Crazy Texas Mommy!
Yes I think Kate should be match with the Short bus of fellow bloggers, she is a little behind.
ReplyDeleteThanks Robin. I really like my list. :)
ReplyDeleteOooh, I'm going to check those out! I've been a bad bloggy friend this week!
ReplyDeleteYou are the cutest!