My blog visiting: sucky. My blog writing: sucky. Keeping up with email: sucky. Working on my WiP: better than the rest, but still sucky.
So, what is up???
That is my mom's head in the photo. We were both taking pictures. Seems like she somehow managed to get in all of mine! Hahaha.
Short story long: the Buick Rendezvous we had was a 2005. Buick stopped making them that year, or shortly thereafter. My mom Loved that car, and I liked it a lot. Very comfortable to ride in, particularly for long trips. BUT, at 180,000+ miles it started needing lots of repair. When I say lots, I mean lots. We reached the tipping point and had to decide on Repair or Replace.
That led to multiple days of visiting car dealerships and driving around cars. Blah blah blah. We both returned home every night exhausted and one of us had terrible migraines. Bet you can't guess which one! BTW, none of this conducive to blogging or working on my WiP.
Mom found this car online, with a marked down Internet Price. It is a Used Car. Can you tell???? Do you know what it is?
Let me give you a clue...
Everyone who has the ENORMOUS pleasure of seeing this car, has said, "What is it?"
Mom or I say, "It's a Buick Verano."
Then they launch into the commercial. It's actually pretty funny.
BUT, it really doesn't look like a Buick. However, it rides like one. Smoooooth.
Now something funny for Halloween. I know I missed HERE'S TO YOU this week. I just haven't had time to read blogs and put the post together. Now you know why.
Lastly, Battle of the Bands kicks off again tomorrow. I am still undecided on my song. Yeah, it's been that kind of week!

Friday, October 31, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
It's Not A Solo, But It's Still Me Singing...
This morning, our trio sang for the first time in church. I think it went pretty well. If I'd had any idea how WHITE my legs are, I would have insisted on pants. Next time!!!
Yeah, I am the chick on the left, whose legs look like they have NEVER seen the sun.
I am singing the second soprano part (not the melody or the bottom note, but the one in the middle).
What have you been up to lately?
Yeah, I am the chick on the left, whose legs look like they have NEVER seen the sun.
I am singing the second soprano part (not the melody or the bottom note, but the one in the middle).
What have you been up to lately?
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Life is crazy? Am I right? Weeks go by and no HERE'S TO YOU post happening here. Last week, voila... HERE'S TO YOU. I bet you thought it would be another three weeks before you saw it again.
Surprise! Drum roll please. This is a GREAT Thursday.
So many of you will really enjoy the Everyone clip for today (JJ, Jasmine... I am looking at you:) Actually, I think all of you will find it fascinating. I know I did.
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Dianne K. Salerni:
This one is for Chrys Fey at Write with Fey:
This one is for A Beer For The Shower:
This one is for Chris Fries at The Creative Outlet of Strat Player:
This one is for C.W. Martin at Tilting at Windmills:
This one is for Stephen T. McCarthy (and friends) at StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands:
Surprise! Drum roll please. This is a GREAT Thursday.
So many of you will really enjoy the Everyone clip for today (JJ, Jasmine... I am looking at you:) Actually, I think all of you will find it fascinating. I know I did.
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Dianne K. Salerni:
This one is for Chrys Fey at Write with Fey:
This one is for A Beer For The Shower:
This one is for Chris Fries at The Creative Outlet of Strat Player:
This one is for C.W. Martin at Tilting at Windmills:
This one is for Stephen T. McCarthy (and friends) at StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands:
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
I Said It, Then It Happened
Before we get to the "real" post, I promised Battle of the Bands results. Overall, I am pleased with how this battle went down. Patsy Cline's Walkin' After Midnight would be categorized as "country." Girl in A Coma made it a rock song, while Kelly Clarkson turned it into a jazz/blues song. For quite a while, Girl In A Coma was on top of this battle, but then the jazz/blues fans showed up, and that was all she wrote. Kelly Clarkson won with 15 votes. Girl In A Coma ended with 7 votes. So, it was an easy win for KC. My vote goes to Kelly Clarkson, too. I really like the bluesy arrangement, though (so long as I didn't watch the video) Girl In A Coma was pretty darn good.
I don't actually have much for a "real" post. I am still posting regularly on my other blog, TV Junction Function. If you haven't checked that out, I encourage you to do so.
Elizabeth Seckman told me how to send my WiP to my kindle. Oh my goodness. If you aren't doing this, it will change your life. It is so much easier to read on the kindle vs the computer. I just highlight and make notes. Turns out, I am not a big fan of commas when I write. I am finding "lack of commas" all over the place. Plus spacing issues. Plus, a few sentences that need changing. And one plot thread that needed some overhauling. I finished reading today, and there were close to 400 notes (highlights).
Have you ever noticed that when you send a thought out into the universe, the universe often makes that thought manifest in some way? This is my way of (gently) suggesting that you be careful regarding what you put out there. For instance, a little over a week ago, I said this to my mother: "I am so glad that my ex-husband met his girlfriend. I hated how he called me to unload all of his personal business regarding the relationships prior to her, so this one must be going well. It has been almost two years of hearing Nothing from him, except when he wants to tell me something about the kids (his kids)."
She agreed.
I kid you not... less than two days later he called me. Why? To unload on me about all of the drama going on his relationship. (He is a drama magnet. And where it isn't, I am pretty sure he creates it.) I sat there stunned, while he let loose. And then I thought, "Man, I hope they work this out for the sake of the kids, but also for the sake of ME. I don't want to hear about this crapola any longer." But I said Nothing.
Not long after that, my wonderful blogger friend, Jasmine, called me on the phone to share some exciting news going on in her life. She also said, "Remember how when we were talking and you (that would be me) said that you keep getting the same lessons over and over until you conquer them? Or learn what the lesson is trying to teach you?"
I said, " I remember it vividly."
She said, "Well, I forgot until I got the same lesson in another form. I really thought I was past it."
Yep. I knew just what she meant. I thought I was past getting those crazy phone calls from my ex. And then, there he was. It now occurs to me that my lesson PROBABLY is that people will dump their junk on you until you tell them to quit. And that means that I will probably get it again. Maybe from the ex. Maybe from someone else. It will keep happening until I say, "I really don't want to hear your drama."
Ah, lessons.
Before I started writing, I had NO IDEA where this blog post was going. Then I threw it all out into the universe. That guarantees that someone is going to dump on me. Again. Like I said, be careful what you put into the universe. It will manifest in some way....
I don't actually have much for a "real" post. I am still posting regularly on my other blog, TV Junction Function. If you haven't checked that out, I encourage you to do so.
Elizabeth Seckman told me how to send my WiP to my kindle. Oh my goodness. If you aren't doing this, it will change your life. It is so much easier to read on the kindle vs the computer. I just highlight and make notes. Turns out, I am not a big fan of commas when I write. I am finding "lack of commas" all over the place. Plus spacing issues. Plus, a few sentences that need changing. And one plot thread that needed some overhauling. I finished reading today, and there were close to 400 notes (highlights).
Have you ever noticed that when you send a thought out into the universe, the universe often makes that thought manifest in some way? This is my way of (gently) suggesting that you be careful regarding what you put out there. For instance, a little over a week ago, I said this to my mother: "I am so glad that my ex-husband met his girlfriend. I hated how he called me to unload all of his personal business regarding the relationships prior to her, so this one must be going well. It has been almost two years of hearing Nothing from him, except when he wants to tell me something about the kids (his kids)."
She agreed.
I kid you not... less than two days later he called me. Why? To unload on me about all of the drama going on his relationship. (He is a drama magnet. And where it isn't, I am pretty sure he creates it.) I sat there stunned, while he let loose. And then I thought, "Man, I hope they work this out for the sake of the kids, but also for the sake of ME. I don't want to hear about this crapola any longer." But I said Nothing.
Not long after that, my wonderful blogger friend, Jasmine, called me on the phone to share some exciting news going on in her life. She also said, "Remember how when we were talking and you (that would be me) said that you keep getting the same lessons over and over until you conquer them? Or learn what the lesson is trying to teach you?"
I said, " I remember it vividly."
She said, "Well, I forgot until I got the same lesson in another form. I really thought I was past it."
Yep. I knew just what she meant. I thought I was past getting those crazy phone calls from my ex. And then, there he was. It now occurs to me that my lesson PROBABLY is that people will dump their junk on you until you tell them to quit. And that means that I will probably get it again. Maybe from the ex. Maybe from someone else. It will keep happening until I say, "I really don't want to hear your drama."
Ah, lessons.
Before I started writing, I had NO IDEA where this blog post was going. Then I threw it all out into the universe. That guarantees that someone is going to dump on me. Again. Like I said, be careful what you put into the universe. It will manifest in some way....
Friday, October 17, 2014
Life has been crazy busy. I've been hard at work on my WiP. I was sick, but am better now. The migraines have been more active. Really... my list of excuses about why there hasn't been a REAL HERE'S TO YOU post are endless.
My video for Everyone is another clip from Family Feud. Mom and I have taken to recording it on the DVR. It is excellent to watch when you don't have much time. 22 minutes and done. I also frequently watch it before going to bed. This clip is hilarious. I actually watched this show on my TV a few weeks ago. I thought I was going to die laughing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Mark Means at Left and Write:
This one is for Marcy Hatch at mainewords:
This one is for Optimistic Existentialist at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
This one is for Gossip Girl at ~*~Whatever~*~:
This one is for Red Shoes at Red Shoe's Chronicles:
This one is for Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck:
I hope that you if you haven't yet voted in Battle of the Bands you go back one post and do so. I will be accepting votes until the 21st.
My video for Everyone is another clip from Family Feud. Mom and I have taken to recording it on the DVR. It is excellent to watch when you don't have much time. 22 minutes and done. I also frequently watch it before going to bed. This clip is hilarious. I actually watched this show on my TV a few weeks ago. I thought I was going to die laughing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Mark Means at Left and Write:
This one is for Marcy Hatch at mainewords:
This one is for Optimistic Existentialist at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
This one is for Gossip Girl at ~*~Whatever~*~:
This one is for Red Shoes at Red Shoe's Chronicles:
This one is for Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck:
I hope that you if you haven't yet voted in Battle of the Bands you go back one post and do so. I will be accepting votes until the 21st.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Battle of the Bands ~ Walkin' After Midnight
Last week, right after I got over my cold, my mom wanted to go to karaoke. I was game. I like to sing different songs (constantly) and so I spent a while on YouTube listening to different things. I came across Walkin' After Midnight by the late, great Patsy Cline. I did end up singing it (if you were remotely curious), but I also noticed some COVERS of that song running down the sidebar. Of course, that made me think of Battle of the Bands. So, I started playing some and was pleasantly surprised. (Sometimes the cover is an attempt to sound just like the original... and while I understand this... it doesn't make for a very good "battle.")
I am not going to use the original Patsy Cline version of this song. I suspect she would run away with the vote, and what fun would that be?
Instead, it will be Kelly Clarkson versus Girl In A Coma. I'd never heard of the band Girl In A Coma prior to this listening. Anyone else ever heard them before???? Anyway, let's get down to business.
First up, the unknown (to me) Girl In A Coma. I couldn't find any version other than the official video that had excellent sound quality. So, if you are persuaded (positively or negatively) by the images, close your eyes! :)
In contrast, here is Kelly Clarkson singing the same song. You can keep your eyes open for this one.
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
Now, is the critical moment. It is time to vote for your favorite version of this song. I even encourage you to leave me long comment explaining all the ins and outs of why you voted as you did!
I am not going to use the original Patsy Cline version of this song. I suspect she would run away with the vote, and what fun would that be?
Instead, it will be Kelly Clarkson versus Girl In A Coma. I'd never heard of the band Girl In A Coma prior to this listening. Anyone else ever heard them before???? Anyway, let's get down to business.
First up, the unknown (to me) Girl In A Coma. I couldn't find any version other than the official video that had excellent sound quality. So, if you are persuaded (positively or negatively) by the images, close your eyes! :)
In contrast, here is Kelly Clarkson singing the same song. You can keep your eyes open for this one.
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
- Far Away Series
- Stephen T. McCarthy's Battle of the Bands Blog
- Tossing it Out
- DiscConnected
- The Creative Outlet of Strat Player
- Mike's Ramblings
- Donna Hole
- Curious as a Cathy
- The Sound of One Hand Typing
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
Now, is the critical moment. It is time to vote for your favorite version of this song. I even encourage you to leave me long comment explaining all the ins and outs of why you voted as you did!
Monday, October 13, 2014
And Then There Were... Bullets
I am considering making Mondays bullet point post days. Every week they overtake me and I am (sadly) unprepared. Ergo... say it with bullets.
- Remember that ennui I mentioned toward blogging about a week ago, possibly more. Well, it's still there, but I am enjoying putting a video on my TV blog (every day but Saturday). Some are current TV and some cancelled shows. But it is FUN. If you want to see what is going on there, click HERE.
- I feel like I am gaining traction on my novel. Several CPs came back with excellent suggestions and the whole project is moving onward and upward. Woohoo! If you want to beta read or CP this project, email me.
- This has been a Not So Great week in terms of migraines. Yeah, that means I am struggling. I woke up with a doozy this morning. My dreams must be powerful stuff if they trigger this sort of reaction. I just wish I could remember what CAUSED this massive amount of stress. And this massive migraine... that even now has my stomach flip-flopping and my head feeling like it wants to pound itself right off my shoulders.
- You might be thinking... why aren't you in bed? I was. For hours. And it doesn't help. That isn't to say that I won't be returning directly...
- I stumbled into my next song for Battle of the Bands last week. BOTB will be this Wednesday. And I am 95% positive I am going with the song I just found. I didn't even know there was a cover(s). How exciting is that???? Well, for me: very. For you: meh. Ha!
- Mom and I like to go to the game rooms here in Florida. We don't spend much and usually come out a few bucks ahead. I figure when it all washes out, we either break even or make a little bit. A few years ago, when we lived in Yulee, we came out way ahead. That was my second source of income. Ah... the economy.
- Anyway... two things happened this week that made me think about people and how crazy they are.
- First: It's 8:30PM and we are in a PACKED game room. This woman is telling one or two other people her PERSONAL BUSINESS at the top of her voice. And then she says something like, "This is private. My personal business. I don't want the whole world to know." Or something like that.
- I am sitting on the other side of the room and I can hear every word she says.
- Guy sitting next to me mutters, "A bit late for that."
- I thought, "Heck, yeah. I wish she'd toned it down ten minutes ago." That thought was followed up by, "I bet she'd make a great character in a novel some day."
- Yesterday, mom and I were leaving the game room (different room) when these two women walk in. Mom is going to the ladies room and I am waiting. Turns out these two are mother-daughter. The mother says loudly (of course), "My daughter is visiting me. She has done nothing but complain about how hot it is since she got here."
- Man, I love that kind of guest (you know, the complaining kind). It's been 80 degrees here the last few days. Freakin' gorgeous weather. The daughter says, "Well, it's 33 where I live." And she says it like she wishes she were there. (I wished she was there, too.)
- And it goes like that. On and on and on. Finally, they leave the counter and move to some games and the mother is still talking loudly enough for the ENTIRE ROOM to hear their conversation.
- And that is when it hits me (again) that this could be yet another facet of that annoying character I met in the game room earlier in the week.
- For all of you still wondering about my shoulder... man, it still hurts. I am doing exercises and gaining range of motion. But, the pain is still... Well, let's put it this way: It is very painful to pull up my pants. Something about that specific rotation in the shoulder really hurts. Yesterday we stopped at Arby's for dinner and I needed to use the restroom. Tiny stall. In the process of the already-painful pulling up the pants process I slam my (bad) arm into the TP dispenser. I nearly cried right there in the stall.
- Last, but not least, some old dude hit on me at the karaoke place. I am a magnet for old dudes. Worse, I remain stunned each time they hit on me. This particular one was missing most of his teeth and I am pretty sure he was older than my mother - who was sitting right next to me. Ah well... if any of you guys can explain this phenomena, I am all ears.
bullet points,
rotator cuff,
this week in my life
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Hello friends. Once again, Thursday is here and I am without a traditional Thursday post. However, I am feeling marginally better today than I have in the last ten... so that is something!
I do have one video for everyone. My mom sent this to me in an email. I think it is all footage taken from dash cams of cars in Russia. But it could be another country, or several. I am not sure I ever want to go wherever this is.... although I am astounded by the number of folks who walk away after what appears to be harrowing stuff. Buckle your seat belts. This is quite a ride.
How many times did your heart stop? Yeah, I lost count, too.
Be safe out there!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
BOTB Results AND Guess The True Statement and Win! (Statement #59)
Before I get to the *real* post, I wanted to do a few, quick things.
1) Health update. Drat it. I am still sick. I don't think I am worse, but I am not better either. I have added a saline rinse (think netti pot) to my arsenal after the Wednesday blog. Maybe if I did that on the hour??? Bah.
2) Battle of the Bands Results. I fully expected Nat King Cole to beat Eva Cassidy's version of Autumn Leaves... and he did. However, many of you liked her version quite well - just not enough to vote for it over The King. Ah well. I really like both versions, so I fully understand your quandary. How did it end with your votes?
1) Health update. Drat it. I am still sick. I don't think I am worse, but I am not better either. I have added a saline rinse (think netti pot) to my arsenal after the Wednesday blog. Maybe if I did that on the hour??? Bah.
2) Battle of the Bands Results. I fully expected Nat King Cole to beat Eva Cassidy's version of Autumn Leaves... and he did. However, many of you liked her version quite well - just not enough to vote for it over The King. Ah well. I really like both versions, so I fully understand your quandary. How did it end with your votes?
Nat King Cole - 20
Eva Cassidy - 6
I know that seems like a horrible showing for Eva, but it is NOT. Many of you said very sweet things and then voted for Nat. And it is hard to do battle with any King. So there. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Eva Cassidy version. It is slower. One of you said "sparser" and that echoes what is happening to the trees. Life, for them, is slowing down and starting to look a whole lot sparser. I will add my vote to the Eva Cassidy column, but it doesn't change anything. See you again on the 15th for a new song and new battle.
To celebrate the release of Jessica Bell’s latest novel,
WHITE LADY, she is giving away an e-copy (mobi, ePub, or PDF) to the first person
to correctly guess the one true statement in the three statements below. To
clarify, two statements are lies, and one is true:
The following is a
chapter title from the book:
a. I may look
like a cow, but you can go eat shit if you think you can put me in a field and
bark at me.
b. OMG, i bet u
think i stink.
c. There’s
nothing more satisfying than stabbing a knife in a big fat slab of porterhouse
What do you think? Which one is true? Write your guess in
the comments, along with your email address. Comments will close in 48 hours.
If no-one guesses correctly within in 48 hours, comments will stay open until
someone does.
Want more chances to win? You have until October 31 to visit
all the blogs where Jessica will share a different set of true and false
statements on each one. Remember, each blog is open to comments for 48 hours
only from the time of posting.
If you win, you will be notified by email with instructions
on how to download the book.
Click HERE to see the list of blogs.
*This novel contains coarse language, violence, and sexual themes.
Sonia yearns for sharp objects and blood. But now that
she’s rehabilitating herself as a “normal” mother and mathematics teacher, it’s
time to stop dreaming about slicing people’s throats.
While being the wife of Melbourne’s leading drug lord and
simultaneously dating his best mate is not ideal, she’s determined to make it
It does work. Until Mia, her lover’s daughter, starts
exchanging saliva with her son, Mick. They plan to commit a crime behind
Sonia’s back. It isn’t long before she finds out and gets involved to protect
But is protecting the kids really Sonia’s motive?
Click HERE to view the book
Click HERE for purchase links.
Jessica Bell, a thirty-something Australian-native contemporary fiction
author, poet and singer/songwriter/guitarist, is the Publishing Editor of Vine Leaves
Literary Journal and the director of
the Homeric Writers’ Retreat & Workshop on the Greek island of Ithaca. She makes a living as a
writer/editor for English Language Teaching Publishers worldwide, such as
Pearson Education, HarperCollins, MacMillan Education, Education First and
Cengage Learning.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
IWSG and Battle of the Bands ~ Autumn Leaves
If I have seemed absent these past few days... well, there is a reason for that! On Monday, I felt a little draggy and migrainey... By Monday night, I started to feel Bad. I began popping Vitamin C like it was candy.
I slept through yesterday (more or less) in that sick-dream-state. When I wasn't sleeping I was still popping Vitamin C and imagining the war in my body. Bacteria=bad guys, Vitamin C=good guys. I can't say for sure, but I think I might come out of this thing without an infection. I still feel like crap. My voice sounds like I am doing a Kermit the Frog impression. And my head is woooozy. And don't get me started on my hair. Just gross. (My shower was calling my name, but so was my computer....)
What does any of that have to do with IWSG? Nothing really. I just wanted you to fully understand that anything I type today is coming out of a person who is not fully alive.
A couple of CPs sent back their suggestions for my WiP. If you read this, and think, "Oh drats. I really need to work on that," the answer is yes and no. I am busily making changes suggested by the fine folks who were speedy, but I am sure that YOUR input will arrive at just the time I am ready to hear it. Each layer of suggestion has improved this little baby of mine. So, here are my thoughts on editing and revising...
That is all I have on writing for now. And on to Battle of the Bands...
In September, both Arlee Bird and Stephen T. McCarthy used different versions of September Song for their battles. It reminded me that I like my musical choice (when possible) to reflect what is going on. (Yes, that means coming soon will be Christmas music!) I live in Florida (now) and there is only now just the barest hint of fall in the air. The temps are hovering around 80 and dusk is arriving sooner. Those two things are promises of what is to come. My favorite season is on the way. And I better not blink or I will miss it! I love autumn with its gorgeous leaves and cooler temps. I even love that it means saying good-bye to summer (much easier in Florida as an adult than a kid in Ohio) and hello to winter. Despite that it is only here for the briefest of time, I love autumn best of all. Or maybe because it is here for only the briefest of time. Hmm.
So, today's song is about my favorite season. Fall. Autumn.
When I started researching the people who recorded this song... the list was endless! And I am sure that someone (I am looking at you, StMc) will probably tell me that I should have chosen my participants differently;) That is a winky face, if you missed it.
If you like this song, I encourage you (in all that free time you have) to check it out on YouTube.
First up is Nat King Cole with his version of Autumn Leaves:
Eva Cassidy with her version of Autumn Leaves:
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
Now, is the critical moment. It is time to vote for your favorite version of this song. I even encourage you to leave me long comment explaining all the ins and outs of why you voted as you did!
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Thank you Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this amazing group! |
I slept through yesterday (more or less) in that sick-dream-state. When I wasn't sleeping I was still popping Vitamin C and imagining the war in my body. Bacteria=bad guys, Vitamin C=good guys. I can't say for sure, but I think I might come out of this thing without an infection. I still feel like crap. My voice sounds like I am doing a Kermit the Frog impression. And my head is woooozy. And don't get me started on my hair. Just gross. (My shower was calling my name, but so was my computer....)
What does any of that have to do with IWSG? Nothing really. I just wanted you to fully understand that anything I type today is coming out of a person who is not fully alive.
A couple of CPs sent back their suggestions for my WiP. If you read this, and think, "Oh drats. I really need to work on that," the answer is yes and no. I am busily making changes suggested by the fine folks who were speedy, but I am sure that YOUR input will arrive at just the time I am ready to hear it. Each layer of suggestion has improved this little baby of mine. So, here are my thoughts on editing and revising...
- Hearing that you need to make big changes is difficult to digest, but shouldn't be ignored.
- It is better to hear it from a CP when it is fixable than every agent you query in the form of "No."
- If you find that you are "telling" too much, figure out how to work that information into dialogue. Explore different places that it could go. You might be surprised at where it ends up.
- Some of the best things you do become not so great if you do them too often (I love a good simile, but one of my CPs pointed out that too much of a good thing... isn't good anymore).
- Better to use verbs like look, saw, watch (and other "common" verbs that the reader easily reads and understands) than to overuse an unusual one. For instance, I just finished a novel by a best-selling author who used sparked and/or sparks so many times that it pulled me out of the story every time I came across it. Not good. We need to pick and choose our "great" words.
- Use the Find feature to see how many times you use the words "just," "really," "only," "very," and more.
- Read your WiP out loud.
That is all I have on writing for now. And on to Battle of the Bands...
In September, both Arlee Bird and Stephen T. McCarthy used different versions of September Song for their battles. It reminded me that I like my musical choice (when possible) to reflect what is going on. (Yes, that means coming soon will be Christmas music!) I live in Florida (now) and there is only now just the barest hint of fall in the air. The temps are hovering around 80 and dusk is arriving sooner. Those two things are promises of what is to come. My favorite season is on the way. And I better not blink or I will miss it! I love autumn with its gorgeous leaves and cooler temps. I even love that it means saying good-bye to summer (much easier in Florida as an adult than a kid in Ohio) and hello to winter. Despite that it is only here for the briefest of time, I love autumn best of all. Or maybe because it is here for only the briefest of time. Hmm.
So, today's song is about my favorite season. Fall. Autumn.
When I started researching the people who recorded this song... the list was endless! And I am sure that someone (I am looking at you, StMc) will probably tell me that I should have chosen my participants differently;) That is a winky face, if you missed it.
If you like this song, I encourage you (in all that free time you have) to check it out on YouTube.
First up is Nat King Cole with his version of Autumn Leaves:
Eva Cassidy with her version of Autumn Leaves:
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
- Far Away Series
- Stephen T. McCarthy's Battle of the Bands Blog
- Tossing it Out
- DiscConnected
- The Creative Outlet of Strat Player
- Mike's Ramblings
- Donna Hole
- Curious as a Cathy
- The Sound of One Hand Typing
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
Now, is the critical moment. It is time to vote for your favorite version of this song. I even encourage you to leave me long comment explaining all the ins and outs of why you voted as you did!
Autumn Leaves,
Battle of the Bands,
Eva Cassidy,
Nat King Cole
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