CBS premiered a new show this week: Intelligence. It premiered on Tuesday at 9:00 (after NCIS), but its regular time slot will be Mondays at 10:00.
Here is the trailer if you missed it (or didn't and are interested):
Let me start with the things that I like about this show. Josh Holloway (from Lost) is back on TV. That alone calls for an "oh boy" or "woot woot" or maybe just deep sighs. Ever since Edward Snowden leaked that the NSA is tracking your personal information via phone calls, emails, and such, unless you live in complete denial you now have confirmation that the government is spying on you. Television series (and movies) are merely keeping current with the times. Given that the NSA is so busy spying on us, is it outlandish to think that our government would do something like this? In my opinion, the show and its premise are completely realistic. If they could figure out HOW to do it, they most certainly WOULD. And they may have figured out how... if they had, it would be a Super Duper Top Secret Way Above Most Everyone's Clearance secret.
What else do I like? The big and little screen are the only places that I can believe for a short while that our government is still on the side of right. At least sometimes. Holloway's character, Gabriel, appears to be True Blue. He served three tours overseas fighting for this country. His wife worked for the CIA and was deeply undercover when her op went wrong and most evidence indicates she switched sides. Gabriel is determined to find her and the truth. He is determined to find the truth and doesn't just accept what appears to be true. And based on what you saw in the trailer (and the pilot), the Chinese are going to have their own upgraded version of Gabriel, so we can expect international intrigue. I fully expect this show to be Gabriel, using all of the tech in his head, to be focused on the bad guys. Isn't the world nice when there are White Hats and Black Hats?
What I don't like... Even though I would like to suspend my disbelief and accept that our government would only put this tech in a person for the purest of purposes, I have this problem. Ever since Edward Snowden leaked that the NSA is tracking your personal
information via phone calls, emails, and such, unless you live in
complete denial you now have confirmation that the government is spying
on you. So, this show is an In Your Face Reminder that our government, if it doesn't already have this technology, is most likely working Fast and Furious to get it. And, as we all know, real life and TV rarely show much resemblance to one another. So, I very much doubt that we will see this show use the tech the way that our actual government would if they had it.
So, my question is this... are shows like this one designed to make us complacent about the idea of the government putting tech in people's heads? Will it be easier to roll out this information after this show has paved the way? Is the government using TV to make the things that they do go down easier? Are they trying to convince The People that they really are wearing a White Hat when they read our emails, listen to our phone calls, and track our movements?

Sunday, January 12, 2014
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Dazzle Me!
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I thought the show was all right but not great.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the government, but the media tries to make things more acceptable.
DeleteThe media (which are owned by networks) are clearly complicit. But, I think the networks also use television shows to push the agenda and, sometimes, perhaps this case... to allow an idea into our heads that this is not only okay, but good for you.
DeleteYou have hit on something that is very near and dear to me. I have noticed in the last few years that nothing but maybe shows about true crime stories or stuff like house hunters or people's personal stories in some sort of reality form appeal to me at all for TV viewing. I have been thinking about it lately and realized that once I sense any sort of 'agenda', I am DONE watching a show- for good. I never even realized it until recently, that I honestly haven't watched any kind of sitcom, drama, etc. in literally years. I think the last one I really enjoyed was 'That 70's Show'. All of sudden one day I realized that the change came for me when stuff was just so oriented to an agenda. I can't stand it. Stuff is all full of political and social bends that are just too contrite. I literally can't watch the stuff. And this is all the while that I never actually sit down and watch a show. I use TV as background while I do other stuff and end up enjoying the highlights as it were. Image if I actually paid full attention- I'd probably shoot my TV!
DeleteAlex nails it...
ReplyDeleteThe media is all so powerful... this is why dictators like Hitler... Hugo Chavez... the Russian and Chinese Communist... Obama... all control the media... it just seems that in our country, that the media is compliant in this... how sad.
Of course, the writers are great at creating plots and scripts that have us seeing things from the other side...
The comment I left for Alex, consider it yours, too.
DeleteYes, countries that have embraced socialism (or communism) all have active propaganda machines. The US is no different.
ReplyDeleteThere are several labels one could accurately apply to the form of government we now live under. "Corporatism" or "Corporate Fascism" would certainly work. Government and corporations (including the media corporations) work together to condition the mASSES to accept the next stage in the New World Order agenda (as well as the endgame that has been planned out).
Research will show that some entities who control the government also have control over corporations. In other words, sometimes they're not even just working in cahoots but are one and the same persons.
"This world" (to use a Biblical expression meant to highlight evil influences in our non-Spiritual realm) truly is like 'The Matrix' where everything - especially technology used as weaponry and propaganda - is designed to keep the sheeple in line and, when possible, even eager to accept their servitude and the chains that are to be fastened upon them.
Sadly, only a small segment of the population ever "wakes up" to the reality behind 'The Matrix'. And that alone tells you how effective the Illuminati methods are.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yes. <<---Government and corporations (including the media corporations work together to condition the masses to accept the next stage in the NWO.
DeleteI wasn't even going to go so far as to use the term NWO - because I know some people immediately click off - but, YES, I wanted to see if people could accept the idea that the media is now another arm of the the government that not only pushes domestic and international agendas. I have seen shows push the banning of guns in their plots, the idea that Muslim is truly a religion of peace, Israel is the bad guy, and Iran actually wants to co-exist peacefully with Israel.... all within the plots of drama series on TV. I believe that these ideas actually have a better chance of taking hold in the mind of the viewer than does listening to any speech by a politician. Most people are coming to recognize that every politician has an agenda. Dems are talking one way and Republicans the other (mostly). But, there is not the awareness that your favorite TV show (and characters) are trying to manipulate your thinking about the world.
A commenter below mentioned a show called Person of Interest and you might want to read my response to that (even if you don't watch the show.) If you don't... watch the trailer just so you are semi-aware.
This show goes way beyond Person of Interest. This show is saying that This Is Good. I have no doubt that they will never use this Person/Weapon against the average person who doesn't agree with the current administration. This Weapon will be only used to protect the country from terrorists and the like. And they got Josh Holloway to play him. Every Lost fan who misses that show will tune in (it's why I watched). And I will continue to watch it, because I want to know what Propaganda the government is trying to ram down my throat so I know to be wary of it.
I have already said this, but I think it bears repeating... I think that using Top-Rated TV shows with beloved characters to push an agenda may be the VERY BEST idea that The Wizards Behind The Curtain have come up with yet to SHOW (not tell) the people that this is what is best for them. A good story can change a person's heart and mind.... but only if they are unaware that they are being manipulated. As you say, most people never make the correlation between Big Conglomerates being the ones to profit off of whatever economic situation we're in, the fact that only a small number of companies own all of the networks now, and that those networks are running not only the media, but the TV programming on those networks.
Comparing it to The Matrix was excellent. Anyone who has seen that movie understands that what you see is not the truth. What we are seeing is not the truth, either.
I don't do political as part of my online persona, but I wonder just how much insertion of the government into our personal lives this land's people will take. Person of Interest convinced before Snowden came forth that the government was already there.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I love the show Person of Interest. Yes, it did introduce the idea that the government has been trying to build a machine to spy on everyone for a LONG time. It makes me wary every time I pass a camera of any kind. In that show, the only thing preventing the government from being able to accrue information on EVERYONE. The government wanted that access and the only thing that prevented it was the creator's belief that the government shouldn't have it. That makes me love the Finch character even more. But, I doubt a Finch really exists in our world. So, Finch set it up that the machine only gave them access to people planning acts of terror.
DeleteAlso, Finch had total control of the machine until he decided that wasn't good either. So, he let it go. Almost. The concern he had about murders that weren't acts of terror... the machine knew about those, too. So, as you know, he set it up that the machine would give him a SS# of someone who was either planning it or would be the victim of it. No more, no less.
I think that this is a great show, but all of the Goodness of it must be left for the show. Our government wouldn't use this machine this way. When they asked for the machine to be built (on the show and in real life) they did it for power. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Thank you for bringing up another example of modern tech playing out on the small screen.
Interesting. I know the military does it by having war movies glamorize it so more people enlist. It's s good guess they're using tv shows to desensitize us to the ugly truth.
ReplyDeleteOh and yes yes yes to Josh! #LostFan
Yes, I believe so. I have written quite a bit above in the comments indicating how I've seen it. Once you know something is happening, it is easier to see it for what it is.
DeleteI miss Lost. ::sigh::
Wow, there's a lot of political stuff in the comments above mine. I just want to say:
I might have to check this show out. But I think the MC needs to: let his hair grow longer, take off his shirt, and dig some graves on a mysterious island. Just sayin.
Dianne... well, this was a political post of a sort. I was asking if anyone else thought that introducing this tech by way of a show would desensitize the people and make them accept it more readily. As a writer, we spend a lot of time thinking about means of pushing a plot forward. So, as a writer, I can't help but think that this TV show is a means of pushing a plot forward. Not saying, but asking... what do you think?
DeleteMoving on... Lost was a great show. JJ Abrams is an amazing writer. And I am glad to see Josh Holloway again. Do you watch Person of Interest? The Ben Character (Michael Emerson) is on it. He is an amazing actor.
I think these shows are inevitable given the tech advances we've had. I'm looking forward to watching this show. It looks mighty fine (including Josh)
ReplyDeleteYes. It's how they roll out that make me wonder.
DeleteIt's a funny thing. When The Six Million Dollar Man came out I was just a kid, but it never occurred to me that our government was actually pursuing this tech. Were they? Probably. Was it just a show for entertainment or was it there to make people like the idea should it materialize? I don't know the answer to that one. I am much better with questions.
I haven't watched yet. But I totally agree about the media playing the 'bully" in this world of ours.
ReplyDeleteIt's the arm of the bully often disguised in a velvet glove. That is when it is most dangerous... when it looks attractive.
DeleteI haven't seen this show, but the trailer is intriguing! I may have to tune in to watch. I agree with the person who commented that the media is a bully. They also don't report the news the way it should be reported either. In journalism class I remember an entire chapter on Truth In Reporting of course that was back in the 1970's too and journalism doesn't seem to be what it used to be. I don't know what to really think about the whole email, phone spy game. It makes our government sound a tad bit schizophrenic and delusional doesn't it? First those voices and then they think someone is after them that is why we are the ones who need watched. It's real crazy stuff to hear and read about isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThe media is off the rails. But someone owns those conglomerates. There are plenty of people who still believe that the media is doing investigative journalism and they think we're crazy to not think it, too.
DeleteWhoa! How did I miss that show? Need to see it NOW.
ReplyDeleteAfter having done some research on real government projects, all I can say is that truth is stranger than fiction. That's for sure. Look at DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) alone! This agency is most well known for its work in mind control. And then there's the original - Project MK Ultra. Freaky!
The fact that the government is even pursuing things like mind-control should scare... everyone. Heck, I'm scared. The fact that they WANT it is terrifying.
Deleteyeah, I'm going to have to check out that show, too. As to your interesting questions...I think the govt is corrupt, for the most part, and that television is simply one more thing it uses to keep the populace complacent. I also think our founding fathers would be deeply disappointed to see what we made of their democracy.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree.
DeleteI agree. The premise is completely realistic, and it looks like the show is exceptionally well done.
ReplyDeleteBe well, Robin.
DeleteIt looks action packed. I would give it a try, but not for the action. The political intrigue is what would beckon to me. Thanks for calling our attention to it.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think you might like this one Manzi.
DeleteRobin, I love this post and I absolutely agree with you - and Stephen. Alex and Shoes must take another look, from a different perspective. I strongly believe that reality today is even scarier than this series. Great post.
ReplyDeleteI fear that you are right. I am not sure that they would allow something on the air that wasn't already happening. Which means that they are way BEYOND this tech. God help us all.
DeleteI wouldn't put anything past the government... especially under BO & Holder.
ReplyDeleteIt's best to always keep an open mind whenever the Government is involved.
DeleteI haven't seen it, we're pretty terrible about turning on the TV, but if I see it I'll make a point to stop for a few and give it a whirl. :)
ReplyDeleteYou might be better off not watching the TV....
DeleteI've watched both episodes, and I like it. I think it's 50-50 on what the government would do if it had the ability to do what is done on the show. Probably some of each. And probably some of each is both good and bad. Not much is black and white anymore.
ReplyDeleteI heard of this show. After seeing that trailer, I'm in! :)
ReplyDelete"... are shows like this one designed to make us complacent about the idea of the government putting tech in people's heads?" An excellent question, and I'm not going to be a bit surprised if that is an accurate analysis. Fortunately, My favorite show is Gilligan's Island so I think I'm safe from that level of government manipulation. My taste may well be under surveillance, though...
ReplyDeleteCarol ~ I am not saying that the government would never use this sort of tech to fight terrorism... or would only use it for nefarious purposes... but the proof is that when government gets too much in your business, it can't stay out of your business. My fear is that more time would be spent tracking our own citizens who disagreed with what the government was doing than actually protecting anyone.
ReplyDeleteDavid ~ It is very interesting.
CW ~ Aha. A TVLand network watcher!
Interesting post, Robin! I came over her to read it after reading Stephen's marathon post. (Whew!)
ReplyDeleteA lot of TV shows run episodes that reflect current events, and yeah, the slanted opinion of the writers and/or the producer and network usually color the way those events are depicted. Are they trying to persuade us to believe as they do? Absolutely. But I don't know if I'm willing to accept that the government itself is involved in controlling the depiction of events as a means of manipulating our beliefs. Not in fictional shows, anyway. The so-called news is another matter. Wait. No, never mind... some of the news comes across as sensationalized fiction, too.