Surprise! Here's To You is back on Thursday (this week). If you were paying attention, there wasn't a post last week. I am hanging tough with my resolution to spend more time on my novel and less time on blogger and other social media. So far, so good! Anyway, let's get down to it. Oh... and don't forget to come back tomorrow for Battle of the Bands!
you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain.
This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I
read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my
imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I
will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you
wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week.
Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst)
part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage
for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head
at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all
is not lost. You can email me at
and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of
footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell
you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the
crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that
Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you
enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take
the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad
footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I
dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you
haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something
that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your
personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble
watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side),
click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to
youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the
video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring
it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Optimistic Existentialist at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
This one is for Sandra Cox at Sandra's Blog:
This one is for mshatch at mainewords:
This one is for LD Masterson:
This one is for DiscConnected and Stephen T. McCarthy at FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS:

Thursday, July 31, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
The Truth
My mom read Debbie Macomber's series that is now a TV series, Cedar Cove. I watch this show with her. Last night we watched the second episode of the second season. Olivia gives her daughter, Justine, this advice: I have found that no matter what the situation, the truth always waits at the end.
Justine was swept away in what her boyfriend wanted for their lives (or thought he wanted) and she was going along to make him happy. By the end of last night's episode she had to confess the truth. She didn't want that future he was so intent on pursuing. And it turned out that he didn't really want it either when he looked deeply enough into his own heart. Truths can be hard to accept. It is so easy to get caught up in what someone else wants (truly or mistakenly). Their desire for that future can feel like a riptide that pulls you under... and it is just too much work to break free.
However, in the end the truth awaits.
I thought about my own life and how I allowed the desires of other people to pull me into things, situations, even life-altering changes that I didn't truly want. I thought about how unwilling I was to face this truth that was waiting for me in the end. I didn't want to face it so much that I LITERALLY made myself sick in order to avoid it. How much sickness is actually just stress over truths we don't want to face that manifest into very real physical illness????
I have spent the last year, with the help of a truly wonderful therapist, facing each one of these truths one at a time. It is painful and freeing to see the truth for what it was. And is. It is a terrible thing to know about yourself that you desire the happiness of others over your own. That, my friends, is codependency at its most unhealthy. It is freeing to understand it because it doesn't have to be part of your life ever again. The truth is always waiting for you at the end.
I told you that horrible first date story a few weeks ago. There was a time when I would have marginalized how bad it was and/or decided that this person TRULY needed my help. Oh, the crazy thinking there. One of my hard truths is that we can't save anyone but ourselves. Anyone but ourselves. So, when this person practically begged me for the save I said, "No." I learned that hard truth and refused to be pulled into his riptide.
I am currently facing another situation where I feel like there is a truth just waiting for me. I am not sure yet what that truth will be because I don't have enough information yet. But, the challenge is this: When I uncover that truth, whatever it is, will I act on it? Will I tackle it right away? I hope that the answer is "Yes," because I know the Bigger Truth. It will remain the truth right up until the end. I can face it now or I can face it ten years from now, but the truth is unwavering.
Understanding that Bigger Truth is an imperative for me. If I don't want to hurt someone else by acting on my own truth I am not saving them anything. That truth will demand to be heard at some point. It will hurt less earlier than later, for the person saying it and the person hearing it.
Can you think of a time when the truth was waiting for you at the end, so you sidestepped, took a right turn, or even doubled back just to avoid running smack into it? How did those maneuvers change the truth? How did they change you?
Justine was swept away in what her boyfriend wanted for their lives (or thought he wanted) and she was going along to make him happy. By the end of last night's episode she had to confess the truth. She didn't want that future he was so intent on pursuing. And it turned out that he didn't really want it either when he looked deeply enough into his own heart. Truths can be hard to accept. It is so easy to get caught up in what someone else wants (truly or mistakenly). Their desire for that future can feel like a riptide that pulls you under... and it is just too much work to break free.
However, in the end the truth awaits.
I thought about my own life and how I allowed the desires of other people to pull me into things, situations, even life-altering changes that I didn't truly want. I thought about how unwilling I was to face this truth that was waiting for me in the end. I didn't want to face it so much that I LITERALLY made myself sick in order to avoid it. How much sickness is actually just stress over truths we don't want to face that manifest into very real physical illness????
I have spent the last year, with the help of a truly wonderful therapist, facing each one of these truths one at a time. It is painful and freeing to see the truth for what it was. And is. It is a terrible thing to know about yourself that you desire the happiness of others over your own. That, my friends, is codependency at its most unhealthy. It is freeing to understand it because it doesn't have to be part of your life ever again. The truth is always waiting for you at the end.
I told you that horrible first date story a few weeks ago. There was a time when I would have marginalized how bad it was and/or decided that this person TRULY needed my help. Oh, the crazy thinking there. One of my hard truths is that we can't save anyone but ourselves. Anyone but ourselves. So, when this person practically begged me for the save I said, "No." I learned that hard truth and refused to be pulled into his riptide.
I am currently facing another situation where I feel like there is a truth just waiting for me. I am not sure yet what that truth will be because I don't have enough information yet. But, the challenge is this: When I uncover that truth, whatever it is, will I act on it? Will I tackle it right away? I hope that the answer is "Yes," because I know the Bigger Truth. It will remain the truth right up until the end. I can face it now or I can face it ten years from now, but the truth is unwavering.
Understanding that Bigger Truth is an imperative for me. If I don't want to hurt someone else by acting on my own truth I am not saving them anything. That truth will demand to be heard at some point. It will hurt less earlier than later, for the person saying it and the person hearing it.
Can you think of a time when the truth was waiting for you at the end, so you sidestepped, took a right turn, or even doubled back just to avoid running smack into it? How did those maneuvers change the truth? How did they change you?
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Battle of the Bands, Migraine City, and Death Knocks
I totally forgot to post the results for the 7/15 edition of Battle of the Bands. Once again, you surprised me. Since the original recording tends to garner the most votes, I thought most of you "older" folks would have voted for Old Crow Medicine Show. I have this theory that we tend to like the familiar. I had never heard the original before, but it was just a bit before my time. Turns out I was wrong about the familiarity factor OR this song just wasn't as popular as I thought for Old Crow Medicine Show... and my "older" voters heard it for the first time here. I am taking the long way around to say that Darius Rucker ran away with this one. Darius got 19 of your votes (add mine to that total) and Old Crow Medicine Show only got three votes. I thank all three of you who voted for them. So glad it wasn't a shut-out. Anyway, there will be something new and different on the 1st for Battle of the Bands -- no idea what yet... but it will be fun!
I also want to take a minute to apologize for not getting round to reading your blogs as well as I would have liked. It has been Migraine City here and just flat-out difficult to do anything. Hence, there is no HERE'S TO YOU post this week. I hope to do better (and feel better) this upcoming week. So, look for it next week. ::crossing fingers::
If you follow Jay Noel's blog, then you are already aware that one of his favorite topics is anything science related. He particularly likes Weird Science. Yeah, I now have that song by Oingo Boingo playing in my head. If you want to hear it, too...
Anyway, that wasn't really where this was going. A while back Jay wrote a fascinating blog bit about kids with black eyes. It was creepy. I loved it. Turns out that his blogging about these kids brought about a collaboration between Jay and Miranda Hardy to write a novel with this premise. How cool is that???? If you didn't read the original post on these creepy kids, I encourage you to do so by clicking HERE.
And now for the ACTUAL BOOK...
Who knew a knock at the door could rupture
your entire world? They don’t demand money or possessions…they want much
more than that, they want your life.
Maverick is preparing for senior year: he’s no longer stuck in the “friend-zone” with the girl of his dreams, he’s looking forward to choosing the right college and being on his own, and he plans to have a blast along the way.
But a knock on the door changes all of that forever.
Maverick begins a mind-altering, life-changing journey to discover the truth—a truth that certain individuals will do anything to keep hidden.
Death Knocks is a Young Adult paranormal thriller about the strange global phenomenon known as the Black-Eyed Kids. Take a creepy and exciting ride in a world where myth meets reality.
Death Knocks is scheduled for publication on September 26, 2014 by Quixotic Publishing.
Quixotic Publishing
Miranda Hardy
Jay Noel
Maverick is preparing for senior year: he’s no longer stuck in the “friend-zone” with the girl of his dreams, he’s looking forward to choosing the right college and being on his own, and he plans to have a blast along the way.
But a knock on the door changes all of that forever.
Maverick begins a mind-altering, life-changing journey to discover the truth—a truth that certain individuals will do anything to keep hidden.
Death Knocks is a Young Adult paranormal thriller about the strange global phenomenon known as the Black-Eyed Kids. Take a creepy and exciting ride in a world where myth meets reality.
Death Knocks is scheduled for publication on September 26, 2014 by Quixotic Publishing.
Quixotic Publishing
Miranda Hardy
Jay Noel
Monday, July 21, 2014
He Turned The Lights On
Anyone who has ever had an "encounter" with a dead friend or relative knows just how soothing that can be to your spirit. I have already blogged here about how my father came to me in dreams after he died. Dreams that were so vivid that I know they were real. So, if he ever wants or needs to reach me, that is one avenue that is always available to him. However, I do believe that he doesn't NEED to reach me. Sometimes, I need him and he feels that... and reaches out.
So, anywhoozle... a bit over a week ago I had this phone conversation with a friend of mine that I actually met through blogging. Another story for another day how that worked out. We hadn't talked in FOREVER and were on the phone for hours. I am NOT going to relay that entire conversation for you. (And there goes that collective sigh of relief... you're welcome.) But, we did talk about how about ten years ago this "strange" thing began to happen to her daughter. Every night after work the light on a specific street would go out just as she went under it and then after she made it through, it would come back on. Anyone familiar with spirit and the way they can use electricity would jump to the conclusion (after it happened repeatedly) that someone in the spirit world was saying, "Hi." So she started talking to who she thought it was. Her mom, and my friend, said that she was always a bit envious and would have liked to have something like that happen to her. A month ago, it did. She and her husband were out walking at dusk. The lights came on and each time she walked under one it went out and then came back on after she passed by it. Eight lights in all. One night.
I tell you this to prepare you for what happened to me a few nights ago. I had a nightmare. In my mind, the worst kind. The one where you are asleep in your dream and when you "wake up" something scary is happening. In this case, there were intruders in my house. So, in this dream, I do battle with both of them and actually win. Yeah, that should have been the CLUE right there that it was a dream. I think I killed one of the dudes by kicking at his face and snapping his neck back. About the only athletic thing I am excelling at right now is dancing. So, it would have been more reasonable to dance the guy to death. (And that made me think of a video that I would have given to someone else in HERE'S TO YOU if I were reading their blog. You will find it at the end. I don't want to disturb the Flow I have going here.)
So, after knocking out both of these people, what did I do? I ran for my cell phone which is by my computer. Yeah, that is actually where it was and I knew it even in my subconscious. I dialed 911 and tell them I am IN THE MIDDLE of a home invasion. I needed help now. And then the operator asked for my address and I gave her my old address from back in 2009. Wrong. I tred again. I gave her the Georgia address we just left. Wrong. I trid again. I gave her my really old Georgia address from the early 2000s. I COULDN'T REMEMBER MY ADDRESS.
And that is when I woke up sweating and panting and scared. I jumped out of bed, toured the house, noticed the dog sound asleep in her dog bed, the alarm set, and went back to bed. And then I spent five minutes saying my current address out loud to the ceiling. After I felt I knew it sufficiently, I rolled over, but worried that I was going to fall right back into that dream. So, I spent more time lying there heart pounding in a state of anxiety. Then this bright light flashed so bright I could see it with my eyes closed. I sat straight up in bed. Lights off. But, I knew they were just on. Power surge? my scrambled brain wondered.
I lied back down and stared at the ceiling. Waiting. A minute later every light flashed in my room and went out again. I was having difficulty with the power surge explanation, but am still without a clue. I attribute this to being soundly asleep, then horribly afraid, and then ticked off at myself.
A minute after that my night stand light came on and stayed on.
And that was when I knew that it was my dad. He was turning the lights on for me. He was saying it was all fine. I wasn't alone. I was safe. I could go back to sleep.
Or he was saying I needed to get up and go check on my mother. So, I jumped out of bed, threw open my door, ran to her room, and stood over her while she slept watching her breathe in and out. Yeah, she was fine. My dog ran circles around me this time, sure that she was going to eat at 3am. No such luck for her.
I went back to bed, turned out the light, and thanked my dad for his comfort. And this time when I rolled over, I went right back to sleep and not into that nightmare.
I told you the story about my friend to give this one context. I don't think my dad would have chosen lights until I heard that story. It is somewhat frightening to have your lights come on "all by themselves." Until you understand that spirit uses lights to let us know that they are there. And then it isn't scary anymore. Once I understood that, lights became one more way for my dad to reach me.
Now, here is the HERE'S TO ME that I mentioned above. Enjoy....
Have any of your dead loved ones ever manipulated electricity to let you know that they were watching out for you? If they do after you read this post, please let me know about it!
So, anywhoozle... a bit over a week ago I had this phone conversation with a friend of mine that I actually met through blogging. Another story for another day how that worked out. We hadn't talked in FOREVER and were on the phone for hours. I am NOT going to relay that entire conversation for you. (And there goes that collective sigh of relief... you're welcome.) But, we did talk about how about ten years ago this "strange" thing began to happen to her daughter. Every night after work the light on a specific street would go out just as she went under it and then after she made it through, it would come back on. Anyone familiar with spirit and the way they can use electricity would jump to the conclusion (after it happened repeatedly) that someone in the spirit world was saying, "Hi." So she started talking to who she thought it was. Her mom, and my friend, said that she was always a bit envious and would have liked to have something like that happen to her. A month ago, it did. She and her husband were out walking at dusk. The lights came on and each time she walked under one it went out and then came back on after she passed by it. Eight lights in all. One night.
I tell you this to prepare you for what happened to me a few nights ago. I had a nightmare. In my mind, the worst kind. The one where you are asleep in your dream and when you "wake up" something scary is happening. In this case, there were intruders in my house. So, in this dream, I do battle with both of them and actually win. Yeah, that should have been the CLUE right there that it was a dream. I think I killed one of the dudes by kicking at his face and snapping his neck back. About the only athletic thing I am excelling at right now is dancing. So, it would have been more reasonable to dance the guy to death. (And that made me think of a video that I would have given to someone else in HERE'S TO YOU if I were reading their blog. You will find it at the end. I don't want to disturb the Flow I have going here.)
So, after knocking out both of these people, what did I do? I ran for my cell phone which is by my computer. Yeah, that is actually where it was and I knew it even in my subconscious. I dialed 911 and tell them I am IN THE MIDDLE of a home invasion. I needed help now. And then the operator asked for my address and I gave her my old address from back in 2009. Wrong. I tred again. I gave her the Georgia address we just left. Wrong. I trid again. I gave her my really old Georgia address from the early 2000s. I COULDN'T REMEMBER MY ADDRESS.
And that is when I woke up sweating and panting and scared. I jumped out of bed, toured the house, noticed the dog sound asleep in her dog bed, the alarm set, and went back to bed. And then I spent five minutes saying my current address out loud to the ceiling. After I felt I knew it sufficiently, I rolled over, but worried that I was going to fall right back into that dream. So, I spent more time lying there heart pounding in a state of anxiety. Then this bright light flashed so bright I could see it with my eyes closed. I sat straight up in bed. Lights off. But, I knew they were just on. Power surge? my scrambled brain wondered.
I lied back down and stared at the ceiling. Waiting. A minute later every light flashed in my room and went out again. I was having difficulty with the power surge explanation, but am still without a clue. I attribute this to being soundly asleep, then horribly afraid, and then ticked off at myself.
A minute after that my night stand light came on and stayed on.
And that was when I knew that it was my dad. He was turning the lights on for me. He was saying it was all fine. I wasn't alone. I was safe. I could go back to sleep.
Or he was saying I needed to get up and go check on my mother. So, I jumped out of bed, threw open my door, ran to her room, and stood over her while she slept watching her breathe in and out. Yeah, she was fine. My dog ran circles around me this time, sure that she was going to eat at 3am. No such luck for her.
I went back to bed, turned out the light, and thanked my dad for his comfort. And this time when I rolled over, I went right back to sleep and not into that nightmare.
I told you the story about my friend to give this one context. I don't think my dad would have chosen lights until I heard that story. It is somewhat frightening to have your lights come on "all by themselves." Until you understand that spirit uses lights to let us know that they are there. And then it isn't scary anymore. Once I understood that, lights became one more way for my dad to reach me.
Now, here is the HERE'S TO ME that I mentioned above. Enjoy....
Have any of your dead loved ones ever manipulated electricity to let you know that they were watching out for you? If they do after you read this post, please let me know about it!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Okay, folks, I know that you are beginning to wonder if this HERE'S TO YOU business just went random. It has not. I could have put it together late yesterday, so that it still fell on Thursday, but I really wanted to leave my Battle of the Bands as the most recent post for as long as possible. So, if you like to vote on Battle of the Bands, go one post back and there it will be. But today, HERE IS TO YOU!
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Lynda Dietz at Easy Reader:
This one is for LD Masterson:
This one is for Gossip Girl at ~*~Whatever~*~:
This one is for Susan, LC, Arlee, and everyone else who participated in the Songs of Summer:
This one is for Stephen T. McCarthy at FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS:
This one is for B & B at A Beer For The Shower:
This one is for Sandra Cox at Sandra's Blog:
NOTE: These are hysterical and you will probably laugh until you cry or your stomach cramps.
ANOTHER NOTE: Be prepared to pause each frame because it occasionally moves faster than I can read. You might have no problem...
This one is for isinglass queen at Life, unscripted:
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Lynda Dietz at Easy Reader:
This one is for LD Masterson:
This one is for Gossip Girl at ~*~Whatever~*~:
This one is for Susan, LC, Arlee, and everyone else who participated in the Songs of Summer:
This one is for Stephen T. McCarthy at FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS:
This one is for B & B at A Beer For The Shower:
This one is for Sandra Cox at Sandra's Blog:
NOTE: These are hysterical and you will probably laugh until you cry or your stomach cramps.
ANOTHER NOTE: Be prepared to pause each frame because it occasionally moves faster than I can read. You might have no problem...
This one is for isinglass queen at Life, unscripted:
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Battle of the Bands ~ Wagon Wheel
It is time again for Battle of the Bands! BUT, before we let loose the two versions of the song, I want to say a hearty Thank You to all of you for your thoughtful and encouraging comments on my last post. You guys rock!
Now, let's get down to actual some rocking.
I think I have mentioned here before that my mom and I enjoy singing karaoke. Well.... a couple of weeks ago I learned (once again) that there was an original to a cover of a song. Yeah, it happens like that a lot with me. And when I looked into it, I found out that there were quite a few covers of this song. Oh boy, the things I have learned doing Battle of the Bands!
The song this week is Wagon Wheel. Here is what Wikipedia says about this song:
"Wagon Wheel" is a song originally sketched by Bob Dylan and later completed by Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show.[2] Old Crow Medicine Show's version was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America in April 2013.[3] The song has also been covered by blues artist Matt Andersen and Against Me! in 2005, Jeremy McComb in 2007, Mumford & Sons in 2010, Irish singer Nathan Carter in 2012, and by Darius Rucker in 2013.
I listened to all of the version in preparation for this Battle of the Bands. I really like the band Mumford & Sons and thought that I would use their version in this battle. In the end, I decided against that. Instead, I am going with the guys who finished out the song and recorded it first, Old Crow Medicine Show, versus the guy who recorded it last, Darius Rucker. Darius was the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish before he started a solo career.
So, let's get ready to rumble!
I always wanted to say that. Maybe I should have done it in all caps for better effect....
I am going to include the actual video for the Darius Rucker version, because I think it is clever, BUT do not allow yourself to be swayed by all of those visual images. This battle is strictly about the SONG and not the video. If you think you might be swayed, close your eyes.
There should be other battles going live today. However, they may be slow to load. Farawayeyes over the The Far Away Series just moved and is dealing with some health things that slow her down. Stephen T. McCarthy posted about four days ago that his computer died and he wouldn't be posting until he got it resolved. So, his battle may come up a few days late. So, check back with these people if you click over and their battle has yet to post. It is great fun and I promise you will hear all sorts of music because our tastes are very broad.
And now is that moment when you get to vote for your favorite and tell me what you thought about BOTH versions. Seriously, please tell me *at length* because I love it when you give me long comment. In this case, there really is no *wrong* answer.
Now, let's get down to actual some rocking.
I think I have mentioned here before that my mom and I enjoy singing karaoke. Well.... a couple of weeks ago I learned (once again) that there was an original to a cover of a song. Yeah, it happens like that a lot with me. And when I looked into it, I found out that there were quite a few covers of this song. Oh boy, the things I have learned doing Battle of the Bands!
The song this week is Wagon Wheel. Here is what Wikipedia says about this song:
"Wagon Wheel" is a song originally sketched by Bob Dylan and later completed by Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show.[2] Old Crow Medicine Show's version was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America in April 2013.[3] The song has also been covered by blues artist Matt Andersen and Against Me! in 2005, Jeremy McComb in 2007, Mumford & Sons in 2010, Irish singer Nathan Carter in 2012, and by Darius Rucker in 2013.
I listened to all of the version in preparation for this Battle of the Bands. I really like the band Mumford & Sons and thought that I would use their version in this battle. In the end, I decided against that. Instead, I am going with the guys who finished out the song and recorded it first, Old Crow Medicine Show, versus the guy who recorded it last, Darius Rucker. Darius was the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish before he started a solo career.
So, let's get ready to rumble!
I always wanted to say that. Maybe I should have done it in all caps for better effect....
I am going to include the actual video for the Darius Rucker version, because I think it is clever, BUT do not allow yourself to be swayed by all of those visual images. This battle is strictly about the SONG and not the video. If you think you might be swayed, close your eyes.
There should be other battles going live today. However, they may be slow to load. Farawayeyes over the The Far Away Series just moved and is dealing with some health things that slow her down. Stephen T. McCarthy posted about four days ago that his computer died and he wouldn't be posting until he got it resolved. So, his battle may come up a few days late. So, check back with these people if you click over and their battle has yet to post. It is great fun and I promise you will hear all sorts of music because our tastes are very broad.
And now is that moment when you get to vote for your favorite and tell me what you thought about BOTH versions. Seriously, please tell me *at length* because I love it when you give me long comment. In this case, there really is no *wrong* answer.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Are Y'all Ready For This?
I haven't written this sort of blog in well... ever.
Fasten your seat belts kids. It's about to get crazy in here.
I strongly recommend that you play the "mood music" above in order to appreciate the stage I am setting.
So, last Thursday night my mom and I went out for pizza and trivia at a local place. As we were leaving, this guy sitting alone tagged my mom and she started talking to him. I paid the bill. She was still talking to him. He was only a couple years older than I, good looking, and interested. In me, that is. Woah. For the last few years, I have avoided dating much like our ancestors avoided Black Plague. But, I am beginning to feel better and thought I *might* stick my little toe into the dating pool. You know, provided that the guy was right. So we chatted for a while, exchanged cell numbers, and then texted and talked for the last few days.
It seemed promising.
The key word is seemed.
I also decided that before meeting him would be an excellent time to read Steve Harvey's book on how men think when they are dating a woman. It is called Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. I highly recommend it to all of you single ladies out there. It will blow your mind. Yes, men really do think differently than women. It is true. You will learn that a man must have three things nailed down before he is seeking to nail down a wife (he is always seeking to nail a woman... just sayin'). To quote Steve Harvey, "If men aren't pursuing their dreams - if we're not chasing the "who we are," the "what we do," and the "how much we make," we are doomed. Dead. But the moment that we figure out the puzzle and feel like our dreams are taking shape, new life breathes into us - it makes us vibrant, enthuses, and animates us....Encoded in the DNA of the male species is that we are to be the provider and the protector of the family, and everything we do is geared toward ensuring we make this happen.... So if this is on his mind, and he hasn't lined up the whole who he is, the what he does, and how much he makes in the way he sees fit, he can't possibly be to you what he wants to be." Woah. I had NO IDEA.
Steve Harvey goes on to talk about a man looking for a Relationship and a man who is Sport Fishing. The Sport Fisherman is looking to get laid. Period. And the person who decides if you are a sport fish, ladies, is YOU. You set up the boundaries and then the man decides if you are worth jumping through hoops for... or not. Chances are, if you respect you, then so will someone else. And you can weed through the keepers and the ones to throw back much easier. Steve Harvey makes it clear that if he is "into" you he will profess you (call you his lady, his girlfriend, the woman he plans to marry), provide for you (financially and otherwise), and protect you, so if someone gets all up in your face and you have a Real Man who loves you, be careful with that information... because he might rip someone's face off.
This was information I needed. Well, that and all of the reading I have done on Boundaries and becoming my own person (again). For instance, did you know that MOST people will do what is best for them in any given situation even it means hurting someone else? I knew it, but I didn't practice it. And that mistake was HUGE for me. Cost me damn near everything. There was a time when I would have laid the blame right at the feet of my ex-husband. Can't do that. I didn't have boundaries and I didn't stand up for myself. Me. Not him. He was a complete jerk, but I knew it and married him anyway. I had reasons, but they were NEVER good enough. I deserve a good person. I refuse to accept anything less.
So, back to this dude at the restaurant. We made plans to get together this afternoon. I was under the impression - because I ASSUMED - that his current lack of a running car was temporary and soon to be remedied. He talked about the various cars he'd looked at and why he hadn't bought one. He owns a small company, so I really thought money wasn't the issue. So, I volunteered to pick him up JUST THIS ONCE so we could meet and have a drink, maybe some dinner if it went well.
At 4:30 I am on his doorstep, ringing his bell, banging on his door, calling his phone, and eventually sending him a super pissed off text message from the safety of my car. He lives in a scary neighborhood and his neighbors across the street made me nervous. Then, after waiting the five minutes I said I'd wait, I drove off (you bet, mad as hell). He calls my phone when I hit the corner. Oh, I did leave him a message that said he better have fallen in his shower, because no other excuse was going to float with me. I should have stuck with that.
What did happen? He fell asleep. Now, knowing what I know now, that would have been a good time to leave and tell him to lose my number. BUT, it didn't happen that way. If it had, I would have missed out on the excellent opportunity to rediscover my voice..
He said he could be ready in 15 minutes.
2 hours later I am still sitting in the recliner watching him prance around half naked and, most likely, trek off to the kitchen, under the guise of getting ready, to down another beer. But, I did not know that at the time. Honestly, I had no idea that was what he was doing. I knew he'd had a few after I sat there for an hour, but I really didn't think he was still heavily drinking. *Wrong.*
So, we leave with plans still very vague in my mind. I told him that I just wanted to sit somewhere and talk. He has pull me into a convenience store. My light bulb is now on. I called my mom and told her to call me with an emergency in an hour. This date was a Big, Fat Bust and the dude is an alcoholic. Definitely.
He then suggests this nice restaurant on the water that I have been to once. So, when we get there I call mom from the bathroom to tell her to hold up on the call. I might get out of this okay. We had to wait 20 minutes for a table and I was hungry.
Soon as we get outside (I think to wait at the bar - *wrong again*) he starts searching for an empty table. I say, "J-----, we can't just sit at a table even it is empty. There is no waiter assigned to it. We have to wait for them to call us."
Then he says, "You will find out I have my OWN way of doing things." Sure enough, I found that out.
We end up down at the far bar where we would no longer hear our names to get a table while he scoped for an empty table that he thought he could snatch before a hostess seated someone else there. He ordered a beer. I ordered a sweet tea. I looked at a menu. He wasn't hungry. Every alcoholic I've ever known doesn't eat because they don't want to lose their Buzz. Two sips into my tea he starts something with another customer by being a complete jerk. I bury my head in the menu and pray for Samantha's powers on the show Bewitched so I can blink myself out of there. These two clowns are threatening to beat each other up and throw each other over the railing into the water before it's done. The other clown walked away while the one sitting next to me is shouting at his back. And that was when it happened.
I snapped.
I told him he was being an Asshole. Pardon my language. I rarely curse, but he was. And I told him so. I also told him he was an alcoholic and a mean drunk and one of us was paying for our drinks. And then I was leaving. And if he wanted a ride home, so was he. A meaner person would have left him there. I really wanted to leave him there, but that would have been "mean."
And after I said that first thing I felt, the fear of hurting someone's feelings ENDED. In fact, that was akin to unplugging a bathtub full of water. It all poured out (wait for it). He apologized in the car. And I said I knew he was sorry, but really it should have been expected. Alcoholics just act that way. I followed that gem up with the fact that we were never going out again because I refuse to allow any more toxic people into my life. He was ruined by alcohol and I told him so. And he could continue to make that unhealthy choice (who was I to stop him?) but I was done with the unhealthy choices for me. And that meant we were traveling different roads. Separately. Then he asked if were having sex later. And I said that we absolutely were not. I wasn't even going to kiss him. (He was really lucky I didn't stop the car and insist he get out at this point.) When I pulled up in front of his house he told me I was "mean" and not a very good Christian. And I told him I could live with his opinion on the matter because he was a drunk. Good-bye.
Right after I told him we weren't going anywhere, and before he asked about the Nonexistent Sex That Will Never Happen With Him, he launched into the sad story about his mother dying when he was four years old followed by his father shooting himself. He was raised by his sisters. It is/was a sad story. I told him that I felt badly, but I didn't feel badly enough to allow his toxicity into my life. Yes, I said hurtful things. Hurtful and true things. I called it just like I saw it. He is an alcoholic. He has taken everything good about himself and drowned it in booze. I also told him I wasn't down for that ride. If that makes me a mean person, I am --- for the first time--- fine with it. Great even.
I have a voice and I am not afraid to use it. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.
Look out world.
I deserve a great guy. And I am not settling ever again.
What about you? Are you getting the love that you deserve or did you allow stinkin' thinkin' to cloud your judgment? If you aren't getting the love you deserve, only you can change it. Do it today. You are worth it!
Fasten your seat belts kids. It's about to get crazy in here.
I strongly recommend that you play the "mood music" above in order to appreciate the stage I am setting.
So, last Thursday night my mom and I went out for pizza and trivia at a local place. As we were leaving, this guy sitting alone tagged my mom and she started talking to him. I paid the bill. She was still talking to him. He was only a couple years older than I, good looking, and interested. In me, that is. Woah. For the last few years, I have avoided dating much like our ancestors avoided Black Plague. But, I am beginning to feel better and thought I *might* stick my little toe into the dating pool. You know, provided that the guy was right. So we chatted for a while, exchanged cell numbers, and then texted and talked for the last few days.
It seemed promising.
The key word is seemed.
I also decided that before meeting him would be an excellent time to read Steve Harvey's book on how men think when they are dating a woman. It is called Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. I highly recommend it to all of you single ladies out there. It will blow your mind. Yes, men really do think differently than women. It is true. You will learn that a man must have three things nailed down before he is seeking to nail down a wife (he is always seeking to nail a woman... just sayin'). To quote Steve Harvey, "If men aren't pursuing their dreams - if we're not chasing the "who we are," the "what we do," and the "how much we make," we are doomed. Dead. But the moment that we figure out the puzzle and feel like our dreams are taking shape, new life breathes into us - it makes us vibrant, enthuses, and animates us....Encoded in the DNA of the male species is that we are to be the provider and the protector of the family, and everything we do is geared toward ensuring we make this happen.... So if this is on his mind, and he hasn't lined up the whole who he is, the what he does, and how much he makes in the way he sees fit, he can't possibly be to you what he wants to be." Woah. I had NO IDEA.
Steve Harvey goes on to talk about a man looking for a Relationship and a man who is Sport Fishing. The Sport Fisherman is looking to get laid. Period. And the person who decides if you are a sport fish, ladies, is YOU. You set up the boundaries and then the man decides if you are worth jumping through hoops for... or not. Chances are, if you respect you, then so will someone else. And you can weed through the keepers and the ones to throw back much easier. Steve Harvey makes it clear that if he is "into" you he will profess you (call you his lady, his girlfriend, the woman he plans to marry), provide for you (financially and otherwise), and protect you, so if someone gets all up in your face and you have a Real Man who loves you, be careful with that information... because he might rip someone's face off.
This was information I needed. Well, that and all of the reading I have done on Boundaries and becoming my own person (again). For instance, did you know that MOST people will do what is best for them in any given situation even it means hurting someone else? I knew it, but I didn't practice it. And that mistake was HUGE for me. Cost me damn near everything. There was a time when I would have laid the blame right at the feet of my ex-husband. Can't do that. I didn't have boundaries and I didn't stand up for myself. Me. Not him. He was a complete jerk, but I knew it and married him anyway. I had reasons, but they were NEVER good enough. I deserve a good person. I refuse to accept anything less.
So, back to this dude at the restaurant. We made plans to get together this afternoon. I was under the impression - because I ASSUMED - that his current lack of a running car was temporary and soon to be remedied. He talked about the various cars he'd looked at and why he hadn't bought one. He owns a small company, so I really thought money wasn't the issue. So, I volunteered to pick him up JUST THIS ONCE so we could meet and have a drink, maybe some dinner if it went well.
At 4:30 I am on his doorstep, ringing his bell, banging on his door, calling his phone, and eventually sending him a super pissed off text message from the safety of my car. He lives in a scary neighborhood and his neighbors across the street made me nervous. Then, after waiting the five minutes I said I'd wait, I drove off (you bet, mad as hell). He calls my phone when I hit the corner. Oh, I did leave him a message that said he better have fallen in his shower, because no other excuse was going to float with me. I should have stuck with that.
What did happen? He fell asleep. Now, knowing what I know now, that would have been a good time to leave and tell him to lose my number. BUT, it didn't happen that way. If it had, I would have missed out on the excellent opportunity to rediscover my voice..
He said he could be ready in 15 minutes.
2 hours later I am still sitting in the recliner watching him prance around half naked and, most likely, trek off to the kitchen, under the guise of getting ready, to down another beer. But, I did not know that at the time. Honestly, I had no idea that was what he was doing. I knew he'd had a few after I sat there for an hour, but I really didn't think he was still heavily drinking. *Wrong.*
So, we leave with plans still very vague in my mind. I told him that I just wanted to sit somewhere and talk. He has pull me into a convenience store. My light bulb is now on. I called my mom and told her to call me with an emergency in an hour. This date was a Big, Fat Bust and the dude is an alcoholic. Definitely.
He then suggests this nice restaurant on the water that I have been to once. So, when we get there I call mom from the bathroom to tell her to hold up on the call. I might get out of this okay. We had to wait 20 minutes for a table and I was hungry.
Soon as we get outside (I think to wait at the bar - *wrong again*) he starts searching for an empty table. I say, "J-----, we can't just sit at a table even it is empty. There is no waiter assigned to it. We have to wait for them to call us."
Then he says, "You will find out I have my OWN way of doing things." Sure enough, I found that out.
We end up down at the far bar where we would no longer hear our names to get a table while he scoped for an empty table that he thought he could snatch before a hostess seated someone else there. He ordered a beer. I ordered a sweet tea. I looked at a menu. He wasn't hungry. Every alcoholic I've ever known doesn't eat because they don't want to lose their Buzz. Two sips into my tea he starts something with another customer by being a complete jerk. I bury my head in the menu and pray for Samantha's powers on the show Bewitched so I can blink myself out of there. These two clowns are threatening to beat each other up and throw each other over the railing into the water before it's done. The other clown walked away while the one sitting next to me is shouting at his back. And that was when it happened.
I snapped.
I told him he was being an Asshole. Pardon my language. I rarely curse, but he was. And I told him so. I also told him he was an alcoholic and a mean drunk and one of us was paying for our drinks. And then I was leaving. And if he wanted a ride home, so was he. A meaner person would have left him there. I really wanted to leave him there, but that would have been "mean."
And after I said that first thing I felt, the fear of hurting someone's feelings ENDED. In fact, that was akin to unplugging a bathtub full of water. It all poured out (wait for it). He apologized in the car. And I said I knew he was sorry, but really it should have been expected. Alcoholics just act that way. I followed that gem up with the fact that we were never going out again because I refuse to allow any more toxic people into my life. He was ruined by alcohol and I told him so. And he could continue to make that unhealthy choice (who was I to stop him?) but I was done with the unhealthy choices for me. And that meant we were traveling different roads. Separately. Then he asked if were having sex later. And I said that we absolutely were not. I wasn't even going to kiss him. (He was really lucky I didn't stop the car and insist he get out at this point.) When I pulled up in front of his house he told me I was "mean" and not a very good Christian. And I told him I could live with his opinion on the matter because he was a drunk. Good-bye.
Right after I told him we weren't going anywhere, and before he asked about the Nonexistent Sex That Will Never Happen With Him, he launched into the sad story about his mother dying when he was four years old followed by his father shooting himself. He was raised by his sisters. It is/was a sad story. I told him that I felt badly, but I didn't feel badly enough to allow his toxicity into my life. Yes, I said hurtful things. Hurtful and true things. I called it just like I saw it. He is an alcoholic. He has taken everything good about himself and drowned it in booze. I also told him I wasn't down for that ride. If that makes me a mean person, I am --- for the first time--- fine with it. Great even.
I have a voice and I am not afraid to use it. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.
Look out world.
I deserve a great guy. And I am not settling ever again.
What about you? Are you getting the love that you deserve or did you allow stinkin' thinkin' to cloud your judgment? If you aren't getting the love you deserve, only you can change it. Do it today. You are worth it!
Monday, July 7, 2014
BOTB Results and What Is Happening Here
I am late on the Battle of the Bands recap. Sorry. The song was I Won't Back Down and Tom Petty nearly swept your votes with 17. Ryan Star only got one.
JJ The Disconnected Writer said this in the comments:
Robin: I love this segment, but this is the toughest one yet. I knew the Tom Petty version, of course, but I also like the Ryan Star version. Here is why I vote for Tom Petty.
In my lifetime attempts to achieve peace and harmony, I recognize that conflict is a part of life, and I always attempt to avoid it at all costs. However, in our lives, we must occasionally dig in. The Tom Petty version arrives at that time and his heels are dug in as he approaches the upcoming battle. He cannot be defeated.
In the Ryan Star version, the singer has already engaged in battle, and not very successfully. However, despite the beating, he cannot be defeated.
My choice has nothing to do with artistic talent. Like most people, music moves me, and I choose not to believe I can be on the losing end of life's struggles.
I thought that was a perceptive way of interpreting the song. It explains why I really like both versions. When I am feeling on top of my game and ready... I love the Tom Petty version. It was my favorite song on that album for many, many years. When I first heard the Ryan Star version I was already nine years into my battle with chronic migraines and still not seeing any sort of end in sight. Or hope for that matter. But I still believed that it would get better. So, it was all about how I felt. When I first heard that Ryan Star version I felt like I'd been through what was bordering on a 10 years war with no reprieve and I got my butt whooped in every single battle. But, I was still singing the song. I still wasn't backing down. Let's just say my position wasn't fortified, but I refused to accept defeat. I think it is beautiful. It is the song of the extremely weary person who stands facing a stacked deck and still says, "You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down." I cried when I heard it the first time. So, even though Ryan Star lost again, here... he is a winner with me (not that it matters, because it only brings his vote count to 2).
If you voted, thank you! We will do it again (different song) on the 15th.
Some highlights of what is going on in my world, bullet-point style:
- I strained my rotator cuff in my left shoulder about a month ago. The first time dancing, the second time I nearly fell in the shower and caught myself by wrenching that shoulder (again), the third time dancing, the fourth time I nearly fell in the garden... I think you see how this is going.
- I was told to go easy on it, take anti-inflammatory medication and do my level best not to tear it. A tear involves surgery and possibly/probable loss of motion.
- Since I keep straining it, I think my dancing is about to get pared down to the bare minimum. I hate it, but I am tired of my shoulder hurting all of the time.
- Since I changed my schedule and work on my novel in the morning and blogging later, my edits are coming along much faster.
- Remember my numerology post... well, I have changed several reactions of my MC based upon what her numerology chart says about her. I like how that is developing. She feels more real to me with each change.
- I was surprised and pleased by all of you who sent your information for numerology charts. I am running behind with all of this other stuff, but I will get to them!
- My garden is actually producing this year. Last year it was in a shady spot, so we moved it. Last year, we also planted a month too late, since we were on vacation during the planting time.
- Ergo, last year our garden produced no tomatoes, no cucumbers, and very late in the season... a few peppers. It was a huge disappointment. Or learning experience, depending on how you look at it. I choose learning.
- This year, it has produced like crazy, but we have fought the bugs every step of the way. I started picking the tomatoes green or they would be eaten. I sprayed with an organic spray that did not slow them down and dusted with seven about a week ago (good-bye organic garden), but that has made a difference.
- We have one banana pepper plant that is producing like crazy. I wish I knew the secret so that I could make all of them act that way.
- Last, but not least, our choir at church is on hiatus so each week someone does special music. I am slated for a solo two weeks from yesterday. I finally chose my music yesterday.
- I am going to include a video if you want to hear it. Of course, it won't sound like this. The pianist will accompany me (so imagine that instead of all the string instruments) and my voice is not as good as hers. And I won't be doing all that humming.
Friday, July 4, 2014
I honestly thought that I wouldn't gather enough footage until next week and we would just launch, as usual, on Thursday. Then I did a whole bunch of catch-up reading on blogs yesterday and it all came together. Just in time for the fireworks!
Happy 4th of July and HERE'S TO YOU!
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Optimistic Existentialist at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
This one is for Yvonne at Writing My Life Away!:
This one is for Liza at Middle Passages and Susan Gourley/Kelley at Susan Says:
This one is for David P. King at David Powers King :
This one is for Andrea at Maybe it's just me...:
This one is for Lexa Cain:
Happy 4th of July and HERE'S TO YOU!
If you don't know what this HERE'S TO YOU stuff is about, let me explain. This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. When I read your blogs or you say something in the comments that sparks my imagination (or I hear something and I think of you), chances are good I will click over to YouTube to find footage for you. In the old days you wouldn't have to reach back in your memory bank farther than one week. Now... all bets are off. It could be several weeks ago.
The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of YouTube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.
Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.
Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!
This one is for everyone:
This one is for Optimistic Existentialist at Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer:
This one is for Yvonne at Writing My Life Away!:
This one is for Liza at Middle Passages and Susan Gourley/Kelley at Susan Says:
This one is for David P. King at David Powers King :
This one is for Andrea at Maybe it's just me...:
This one is for Lexa Cain:
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
IWSG ~ It's In The Numbers
Today is Wednesday and the monthly installment of sharing our fears with you. It is the day when we expose our ruffled feathers and all of you kind, supportive folks come by and remind us that it "really is okay" and even offer suggestions to bring us back to earth. How awesome is that???? So, thank you, Alex, for bringing us the IWSG. You can follow the link to sign up to participate or simply read blogs from other participants.
It's all in the numbers. I bet you thought I meant word count, number of revisions, or even days of waiting after that query letter goes out. Nope. I recently read a book, make that two books, on numerology and was so fascinated by the whole thing that I didn't just do my OWN numerology blueprint. Oh no. I created one for every person whose full name and birth date I knew. And if I didn't know, I asked. Yeah, I am working at that level of excitement (or mania, depending on your perspective).
And when I ran out of real people, I decided that I would do a numerology blueprint for my Main Character of my novel. I am already keeping a journal after reading in a writing book by James Scott Bell that it was a good way to find a character's voice. And I feel like I am *almost there" but haven't quite nailed it to the level of distinction that I want. So, I went for the numerology blueprint to see what it would tell me.
Would you believe that a GREAT MANY TRAITS of my character as they currently exist were right there in her blueprint???? I was shocked. And there were some that I never considered, but would definitely make my girl more interesting. So, now I am trying to take this information gleaned from the numbers and creatively insert it into my novel. I think that this may be ONE MORE TOOL to help me make my character be her best.
Have you ever tried anything a bit *out there* to help you know your character better? Would you consider something like numerology to reveal aspects of your characters? If so, let me know what you discover. Yeah, I am still curious! My life path is a 3 and we 3s tend to obsess over things and people (usually celebs or the like) or ideas - like numerology - because it is just part of who we are!
I suppose this doesn't need to be said, but if you want to know your numbers and what they mean, email me! I am still so into this I will tell you for free!!!! I need birth date (mo, day, year) and full name as it appears on your birth certificate and the name you go by. You can find my email addy in my sidebar:)
It's all in the numbers. I bet you thought I meant word count, number of revisions, or even days of waiting after that query letter goes out. Nope. I recently read a book, make that two books, on numerology and was so fascinated by the whole thing that I didn't just do my OWN numerology blueprint. Oh no. I created one for every person whose full name and birth date I knew. And if I didn't know, I asked. Yeah, I am working at that level of excitement (or mania, depending on your perspective).
And when I ran out of real people, I decided that I would do a numerology blueprint for my Main Character of my novel. I am already keeping a journal after reading in a writing book by James Scott Bell that it was a good way to find a character's voice. And I feel like I am *almost there" but haven't quite nailed it to the level of distinction that I want. So, I went for the numerology blueprint to see what it would tell me.
Would you believe that a GREAT MANY TRAITS of my character as they currently exist were right there in her blueprint???? I was shocked. And there were some that I never considered, but would definitely make my girl more interesting. So, now I am trying to take this information gleaned from the numbers and creatively insert it into my novel. I think that this may be ONE MORE TOOL to help me make my character be her best.
Have you ever tried anything a bit *out there* to help you know your character better? Would you consider something like numerology to reveal aspects of your characters? If so, let me know what you discover. Yeah, I am still curious! My life path is a 3 and we 3s tend to obsess over things and people (usually celebs or the like) or ideas - like numerology - because it is just part of who we are!
I suppose this doesn't need to be said, but if you want to know your numbers and what they mean, email me! I am still so into this I will tell you for free!!!! I need birth date (mo, day, year) and full name as it appears on your birth certificate and the name you go by. You can find my email addy in my sidebar:)
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