Thursday, April 17, 2014


My theme for A to Z this year is a wildly different, but very exciting, HERE'S TO YOU all month long. 26 posts to be precise. The most difficult part was narrowing down the 26. All of you deserve your own post. What you will find here is a post by the featured blogger, with traveling music chosen by me that complements said post, and two links. One will link back to the original post and the other to the main page. This year's A to Z is all about making new friends!

Old Man on the Country Road was written by Rosey at Mail4Rosey. I cannot recall how I met Rosey. I am fairly certain is was through a mutual friend who featured her in some way (Manzanita maybe?). Anyway, Rosey writes on a WIDE variety of topics. Honestly, I never know what I will find at her place. Don't you just love a surprise? I do! Another interesting thing about Rosey is that I have *no idea* what she looks like. She snaps pics of her kids all of the time, but she remains the Invisible Woman.  I checked her About Me tab and there is this picture. She doesn't say that it IS her, but it might be... Maybe she will provide the answer in the comments!

Cue the traveling music:

The Old Man on the Country Road by Rosey

There's an old man who walks along the country road, when I'm doing the early morning school run. I assume because he is carrying a brief case, and dressed in a suit, that he is headed to work. If you know country roads, you realize they are not the safest of places to be walking...there's no sidewalk, the terrain is rough, and cars don't always see you.

I have seen this man walking every single day since school started (just this year), and there have been several times I've wanted to stop and give him a ride. But I do not. Not when the kids are in the car, but truth be told, I probably wouldn't even if I was solo...because you just never know.

When the harsh weather happens in, I hope he's not still out there walking.

Humanity should make me stop. Fear of safety prevents me. I'm mad at myself for not stopping, and I'm sad (maybe that's not the right emotion to express how I feel) that I am too scared to stop.

Do you ever let fear prevent you from helping others, when it wouldn't be hard at all for you to help?

Stop in and say Hi! to Rosey and tell her I sent you. I want to know what happened to that old man....


  1. Hey Rosey!
    Sadly, in this day and age, it wouldn't be safe for you to stop. Your heart is in the right place though. Maybe he enjoys his walks?

  2. What's interesting is the contemplative POV and wondering if this man on the road is a wanderer or someone in need of help. But, yeah, you don't necessarily want to let a stranger in the car. Sad it has to be that way, but better to be safe than tomorrow's headline.

  3. I saw him a couple of weeks ago when my husband was with me, and told my husband I'd wanted to pick him up many times during the winter. My husband said, 'Are you crazy? That's how people come up missing.' He is a man far more practical than his wife. ;)

    You know, that old man walked in even the harshest of weather this winter, and we had a bear of one! I don't know if he's going to work or school (he carries a brief case) but he's sure diligent about it. I'm just glad he made it through okay. ;)

    And yep, that's hubby and me in the pic. :) You're a gem to run my blog on your feature today!! Thanks, Robin!

  4. This is great, and so true for me. I've often wanted to help in situations like that, but as a woman, often alone in my car, it's just not wise.

    I do try not to let fear rule the day, though, when helping others in general.

  5. Many years ago in my town everyone knew everyone now it has grown and although I was born and raised here at times this town is unrecognizable. I hate being like that if I pass someone I do not know in my car.

  6. Robin
    Yes, Rosey is a gem and we both live in the harsh climates. I do recall, I'm sure it was me because I thought, it's always fun when bloggie friends become friends. That road, although beautiful, does not look like a road meant for both walkers and cars. It kinda looks like the road from "Topper" where Cary Grant and Carole Lombard had their accident.

    1. You are a gem too. :) And now I have looked up the movie, and I want to see it. I'm going to check the movie rental store and see if we can get it for the long weekend! :)

  7. A sad truth, but a woman must think of safety first. Nice to meet you, Rosie! I remember too many tv shows where someone picked up a hitchhiker, and it didn't turn out well. We cannot live in fear, but we also cannot deny that guy the right to walk along the road. It may be part of his daily routine. It's normal for us to wonder when someone does something out of the ordinary.

  8. Your heart is in the right place but so is your caution. If another adult were in the car, and the weather was atrocious ... maybe. What if he were carrying saws and knives in that suitcase? I've seen that movie ... and as D.G. wrote: it didn't end well. Good to meet you, Rosie.

  9. I think all of us have had the experience of not helping because we're thinking about the risks that may be involved. Hard to decide sometimes.

  10. I'm the same way. I notice regulars out here on the streets of my city--it's no country road--and I want to stop sometimes just to chat and maybe find out their story, but you never know how people will react. Love the country road picture.

    Nice post to feature, Robin.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  11. So, Rosey does it help to know that we have ALL felt this way at some time or another???

    And thank you for the photo enlightenment AND for the update on the old man walking. He is determined given how harsh this winter was.

    Thanks for the comments everyone. It's nice to know what YOU are thinking:D

    1. It was fun to read the responses. You have nice readers. :)

  12. I would want to stop too, but I wouldn't because my mind would wander about the Glock that might be in the briefcase. Or maybe it's a large briefcase and a small machine gun. Or a hatchet. Nope. I wouldn't stop. But like you, I would feel bad about it. Nice post, Robin.

  13. by myself, i'd be afraid.
    i often wonder what brings people to points like that in their lives...
    still going strong, robin!
    and yesterday's funny was hilarious!
    happy o day!

  14. There are times I'd be afraid, and times I would not. I have taken up a couple of those opportunities, and they became blessings. It's true though, you never know if it's safe.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  15. Yes, fear has stopped me from helping someone before. It's too bad, that in these times, you have to be extra cautious, especially if you're alone or with young kids. I think if someone were truly in danger, though, my instincts to help would win.

  16. I'd be afraid to pick up somebody I don't know. And I bet that man would be afraid to accept a ride from somebody he doesn't know.

  17. I will help if there's lots of people around and I don't get that gut feeling that I shouldn't. However, if it's an isolated area, I probably won't.

  18. I've stopped myself from helping someone, male and female, because I've been by myself. If I'm with one of my boys (they are in their 20's) we will help. It's sad but it's the way of the world these days.

    I need to get back to Rosey's. I've been by a few times, but need to stop by again.

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  19. Nice to meet Rosey!

    You know, I had a similar "old man" walking down the road experience when I was growing up. But this old man always had a big shaggy dog. I can't recall the name of the breed, but the dog was big with long shaggy hair that covered his eyes. But this old guy was out walking his dog every single day in every kind of weather imaginable. He was a fixture.
    My cousin, who lived with us at the time, was a budding photographer and even took pictures of the old man and his dog. And it was interesting that we both revered the man, yet never spoke to him.

    Then one day, the man and his dog just disappeared. I don't know if it was sudden or if I had just lost track of time from being a teenager and one day just noticed that the old man and his dog weren't out anymore.

  20. Hi Robin,

    Ah yes, sorry for my notable absence, or something like that. The madness that is the alphabet challenge makes it difficult to keep up. Ironic that I even try to. Who knows, I might actually get another post done by May!

    I know of Rosey and I have seen her comments all over the place. I'm delighted you featured her, Robin. I always help somebody in need. Fear does not come into the equation. Apathy is the real problem that inflicts humanity. Having worked with the homeless, the rough sleepers, you can usually figure out who will take your help without being hostile.

    Penny's fictional human,


  21. I love your theme, too. I'm discovering a lot of cool new voices - not to mention the excellent posts!

  22. What a great post - even if it made me sad. But I spent 10 yrs living in NYC and learned to be nervous of homeless people and ... well, actually everyone in the subways late at night. You simply can't take a chance anymore.

  23. I think there are people we don't help because of safety issues, like giving rides. Too bad.

  24. Hi Rosey, I know what you mean and my reactions have been the same as yours.

    Hey Robin!! :)

  25. The guy walking near my work yesterday, when seen by the cops, dropped his one-pot meth lab. Just too many losers out there anymore.

    But, maybe, there is a time to go with a gut feeling...

  26. Rosey recently began paying me visits. She's a sweet lady. I'm glad to have met her.

    Everyone is pointing out safety issues. It's too bad we need to be realistic, especially women, but it's an unsafe world.


  27. This is such a difficult thing to confront. Do right or be safe. In my small town, I'd ask around until someone could tell me who the man is. Based on that, I'd decide whether or not to stop. Perhaps this man chooses to walk...that it's something he's done every day for twenty years...and if you stopped he would say, "Thank you dear, but this is my daily exercise."


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