Sunday, February 3, 2013


This walks hand in hand with yesterday's post.

If this seems familiar, I dedicated a similar video to Everyone on a HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY post a while back.  Okay.  Waaaay back.  So, you would have to be a long-time reader of this blog to recall it. 

It is the flip-side inspirational good stuff to yesterday's ramblings.  Delicious, no?


  1. ROBIN ~
    That was pretty freakin' great!

    I was aware of a few of those pre-success failures already (e.g., Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein) but most of 'em were new to me.

    I think the one I liked best was Walt Disney. No imagination and no original ideas. HA!-HA!-HA! No, not much.

    I'm gonna add one to that list. Here goes:

    He was expelled from music class in high school
    for "lack of musical ability".

    Waylon Jennings
    (Founder of the "Outlaw" Country movement and the most entertaining music performer I ever had the great pleasure to watch performing on a stage. I saw 4 Waylon shows at 3 different venues. I've been fortunate to have seen a lot of concerts and some really tremendous, memorable performers - like Bruce Springsteen and Brenda Lee - but Waylon was the best of all. Just think how good he might have been had he been blessed with even a little "musical ability".)

    Incidentally, that little known Waylon fact about his being expelled from music class in high school comes from page 33 of his autobiography.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. Thank you for sharing that information about Mr. Waylon Jennings. So many wildly successful people are merely people who kept on trying, despite the "noise in the background."

  2. You know what they say about people and their opinions...Great post robin.

  3. Robin: You really have your finger on the pulse of success. I think it's terrific.


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