Friday, June 4, 2010


The Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 10 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

I recently got an entirely different award, which has galvanized me into action with this award. So, thank you Truthful Mommy over at The TRUTH About Motherhood. Anyone who is raising children, or thinking of having children, should check out this blog. She tells it like it is. There is no holding back about the pain joys of parenting. Anyway, she bestowed this prestigious award on me quite a while ago, and I have sat on it like it was coal that I thought might turn into a diamond. Turns out that it looks exactly the same now as it did before, and the rules didn't change either. Hmmm. So, thank you Truthful Mommy. And I will get to that other award sooooon. I am already scrambling for 10 things about myself, so it might be a while (forewarned is...well, it is forewarned). ~ That was Rule #1~

1) I saw a guy in the grocery store today who looked so much like Right Guy that I almost passed out. Turns out that it wasn't him. Don't know if I am happy or sad about that. The fact that I almost passed out probably says I'm still not "over it."

2) I sold my car to my uncle earlier this month. Turns out that there were two keys that lock and unlock the door. It also turns out that Dodge has a nifty feature that only their keys will allow the car to run. So, just getting a duplicate made will unlock the car, but it will not keep the vehicle running. I have no clue where that second key is. It costs $250 to get a replacement says my uncle (who has spoken to Dodge). So, somewhere in storage is that key. My mom asked me if I knew where it might be in my storage unit. Have any of you ever seen a head explode? I can send photos.

3) Out of desperation I called my ex to ask about the aforementioned key. It turns out that we did get two keys and that I took his in the divorce. He laughed about it (not in an unkind way), so that means he hasn't read my blog on facebook. I thought you might want the silver lining to an otherwise dark cloud. Obviously, he has no idea what I did with the key. And I didn't mention the $250, etc. That might have had him rolling on the floor. I don't want his day to be too bright.

4) I saw the bankruptcy attorney today. She said it looks very good that I can declare Chapter 7. For $1000 (including the cost to file with the court and some mandatory counseling) I can be debt free.

5) I have never done any kind of skiing. Snow skiing or water skiing. Not sure where that came from, but it was just there and I thought you might want to know that.

6) I used to collect Ty Beanie Babies. I was a Ty Beanie Baby collecting freak. I kept waiting for the one with my birthday. The first one with my birthday was an elephant. I was down with that. I love elephants. Ty named the cute little thing Pounds. I was not down with that. I think that is when my obsession began to wane.

7) Chris Noth played Mr. Big on Sex and The City. I hated that character. He is now the cheating former DA on The Good Wife. I now hate him on that. I daresay that I might actually hate the man, because he has yet to play a character I like. I have yet to see him play anything other than a cheating a**hole. Is he being typecast??? Yes, I know that wasn't technically "About Me," but it is what's on my mind. And, Chris Noth, and my dislike of him is preventing me from moving on to Season Five of Sex and The City. I got to the end of Season Four and it crushed me. Aidan and Carrie broke up for the second time, and I know that it just means more Mr. Big, and I just can't take it. So, Season Five is sitting and staring at me and waiting. I hate Mr. Big. Now, I am done ranting about that... for now.

8) I've had acupuncture done once. I would like to have it done again at some point.

9) There is a lady in St. Augustine who does readings. I've been to see her twice and she has done a reading for me once on the phone. All three of them have been right on the money.

10) In college, after a particularly bad snow storm (it snowed, it warmed up and melted, it froze, it snowed again) we had a party at my house and played 3-Man. If you're not familiar, it is a drinking game with the intent to get drunk, and it is very effective. We then decided to go to another party, since we were all tanked up and ready to P-A-R-T-Y. We were nuts. I didn't even put on my boots. I just went in my deck shoes. Do people still wear those? Probably not. Anyway, I think we drove, too. Morons. The party was right around the corner. We had no brain function going at all. Anyway, I fell in the driveway. It was a case of now you're standing, now you're not. I don't even remember falling. I didn't try to stop myself from falling. However, I landed right on my left elbow. Bam. And it HURT. That should have said something because I was loaded. Long story short: I broke it. You play, you pay. And then you lie to your parents at the time of the incident (I believe I mentioned something about being at the library). It is only years later that you come clean about how that accident really happened. Otherwise, they might break it again. Now, it's funny. Sorta.
~That was Rule #2~

Okay, folks, I am done with trying to limit myself to "new" bloggers. I don't have that many new bloggers. I am slow about adding people to my blog subscription list. Period. I have people that I like to read. When I find a new one, I add ya. That is how I roll. So, I am rolling with anyone who I want to award this gem to, new or not, and that's that. You can play this award however you want when it comes time to pass it down. I am awarding The Sugar Doll Award to the following:

Liza at Middle Passages

Misery at Leftovers from Illumination

Miss Angie at My So-Called Chaos

Kate at The Cow Jumped Over The Moon

Ro Magnolia at Soft Winds and Roses

Java at Never Growing Old

Purple Cow at Australian in Athens

Kristin at Bringing Pretty Back

Cassandra at Cassagram

Kel at Between the Lines

~That was Rule #3~

Rule #4 is in process. I am leaving messages on blogs. If I haven't gotten to yours yet, well I guess I don't need to because you're reading this. If I didn't tag you it isn't because you are not awesome. It might be because you already have this award OR because I think that you will get it from someone I tagged! I am sneaky like that. Have a very happy Friday everybody!


  1. Red letter day is right!! Wowee!! I'm so honored Robin! THANK YOU sooooooooooo much!!
    You always are so nice and sweet!

    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    Many ((hugs)) to you!

    Love you right back!

  2. You are so kind Robin. Thanks!!!

  3. Oh My Goodness! Thank-you so much! I'm feeling the blog love. You made my day. :)

  4. Yay! Thank you :)

  5. Congratulations on the award - have 'liked' The TRUTH About Motherhood on facebook, so looking forward to reading more.

    I've been there with Number 1.... And it never ceases to amaze me how much it costs someone to declare themselves bankrupt... Hope it's a massive weight off your shoulders.

  6. AAaawh, you're so awesome, thanks :) And congratulations to you, of course, for getting this award :) And - do not worry about skiing, I have never tried it either (and I live, like, "almost in mountains"). And that "party drunken incident"? I suppose most of us have something like this in our past.

    (AND about that book you recommended to me? I've actually heard about it, I've heard that it's really similar to "Secret" which I loved. I hope there's a Polish translation of this book, though) :)

  7. It is my theory that car companies are just making cars uselessly more expensive. we don't need these electronic keys and tie pressure sensor gauges and other things that cost us so mush to replace.

  8. Thanks for the nomination. I have lost count of how many awards you have nominated me for but I had the chance to nominate you for an award today...

  9. PS I'd like a whole blog post about the lady from St. Augustine who did your reading who was spot on!

  10. Congrats on your awards Robin and thanks for thinking of me!! I'm honored! :) My sister and I used to collect Beanies Babies too. I've passed some on to my kids, but some just had to go. Sorry about the car. I've never heard of such a thing. Why can't things just be simple????

  11. Thank you for my award, Robin! I am working my blog for this into a blog I'm doing nearer the end of the week - keep an eye out for it!!


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