I'll be back on the 1st with a BoTB, Soundtrack, and a Love post (Lost and Found) on Feb. 1. Yeah, I'm managing to combine three hops into one. Of course, my Soundtrack posts aren't a traditional hop, but still.
In the meantime, I found this cool video that I wanted to share with you. I think all of my Jewish friends will appreciate it (yeah, I'm looking at you Robyn) and also my Jewish-Christian friends (hey Melissa). What about the rest of you? Yeah, I think you'll like it too:)
I've struggled for quite a while with reconciling Judaism and Christianity (in terms of how you can be both). I think for many people it's the idea of losing one aspect to the other. I love how this man lays it all out there, showing that Jesus is the fulfillment of a promise that God made to the Jewish people in the OT. They go together like peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin, socks and shoes, cheese and anything. I think you get the idea.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Soundtrack of My Life ~ The Knockout
Okay, we've established my senior year was really just one big party.
And still.. I made decent grades. Woohoo. I graduated with a degree in English and a loose plan for my future. When my friend Sag moved to Jersey after she graduated (one year before me) to work in The City, I started to think that sounded like a fine plan. I'd get a job in publishing and work in NYC. So, that was my plan.
A couple weeks before graduation, J1 called me on the phone. Yeah, I know you thought he was gone. Me too. And all the feelings I hoped were dead and buried, not so. They all came bubbling up to the surface, particularly when he told me his plan.
He joined the Army for a 4 year tour and put Germany as his first choice in placement. I really thought I'd just keel over and die on the spot. My mind was screaming things like, "What were you thinking?" I think I gurgled in response.
Sometimes you get crystal clear clarity when you realize you could lose someone. And that was how this decision felt to me. I realized I loved him. I didn't want him to do this thing, but it couldn't be undone. And I wouldn't love him less if I bowed out and he got himself killed. I'd just feel like I missed time. More time.
So, he and I crafted a plan for him to come to NYC (where I'd be at the end of his boot camp training) for part of his break before flying to Germany. Despite it being the worst of circumstances, we were finally both all in on this thing. At least, I thought we were all in...
If you're enjoying these posts, feel free to share your own Soundtrack. This isn't a hop. No requirements at all, but a suggestion to do it one song at a time. (If you participated in the hop several years ago, you can still do this. Just post them one song at a time, with the freedom to add more songs if you'd like.) I'll link to all participants at the bottom of each of these posts:
Cherdo on the Flipside
Holli's Hoots and Hollers
Mean Who You Are
Thursday, January 21, 2016
BoTB Results and SOML ~ Did Someone Say Party???
First, we're going to reveal the results from Battle of the Bands. Who won it? Daughtry or Corvyx? (Did you note the spelling Bryan? Not Cervix. Corvyx. hahahaha.) I really like both versions. I think Daughtry was grittier while Corvyx was smoother. I really like Daughtry and all his grittiness, so my vote lands there (but I think Corvyx did an excellent cover to this song!). What was the final tally with my vote included?
It doesn't get any closer than that, folks (unless it's a tie;). I confess that you guys upended my expectations for this battle. I really thought Daughtry would win it by a slim margin since the Corvyx cover is really good, but it is Daughtry's song. Once again, you've proven me WRONG.
I haven't done a Soundtrack post in a while. In fact, blogging has been a struggle. Migraines are roaring. It really hasn't been a great start to the new year. And still, I think 2016 is going to be better than 2015. But let's step back in time to 1989. Yeah, we're jumping in the Way Back Machine.
My senior year of college was largely uneventful. Frankly, it was a big party. Not saying I didn't study or go to class, but my focus was not in the places my parents would've preferred (or even adult me would've preferred). I was very involved with my sorority and parties and generalized drinking and parties... your average obnoxious college kid.
J1 was pretty well absent from my senior year. The last I saw of him was that surprise visit during the summer. He fell off my map. I didn't call him when he didn't call me. I did meet J3 (yes, he's a new one) over winter break at home. I'm not sure he's even worthy of being mentioned since it never really got serious. We dated when I was home, but I was still emotionally tangled up in J1... even if I wasn't actively doing anything about it.
So, for better or worse, my senior year can pretty well be summed up with one word: party. Frankly, I'm glad I lived through it. And, yes, that is a colander on my head. We were playing 3 Man. If you know the game, 'nuff said. If you don't... I repeat, so glad I didn't die.
If you're enjoying these posts, feel free to share your own Soundtrack. This isn't a hop. No requirements at all, but a suggestion to do it one song at a time. (If you participated in the hop several years ago, you can still do this. Just post them one song at a time, with the freedom to add more songs if you'd like.) I'll link to all participants at the bottom of each of these posts:
Cherdo on the Flipside
Holli's Hoots and Hollers
Mean Who You Are
Daughtry: 13
Corvyx: 14
It doesn't get any closer than that, folks (unless it's a tie;). I confess that you guys upended my expectations for this battle. I really thought Daughtry would win it by a slim margin since the Corvyx cover is really good, but it is Daughtry's song. Once again, you've proven me WRONG.
I haven't done a Soundtrack post in a while. In fact, blogging has been a struggle. Migraines are roaring. It really hasn't been a great start to the new year. And still, I think 2016 is going to be better than 2015. But let's step back in time to 1989. Yeah, we're jumping in the Way Back Machine.
My senior year of college was largely uneventful. Frankly, it was a big party. Not saying I didn't study or go to class, but my focus was not in the places my parents would've preferred (or even adult me would've preferred). I was very involved with my sorority and parties and generalized drinking and parties... your average obnoxious college kid.
J1 was pretty well absent from my senior year. The last I saw of him was that surprise visit during the summer. He fell off my map. I didn't call him when he didn't call me. I did meet J3 (yes, he's a new one) over winter break at home. I'm not sure he's even worthy of being mentioned since it never really got serious. We dated when I was home, but I was still emotionally tangled up in J1... even if I wasn't actively doing anything about it.
So, for better or worse, my senior year can pretty well be summed up with one word: party. Frankly, I'm glad I lived through it. And, yes, that is a colander on my head. We were playing 3 Man. If you know the game, 'nuff said. If you don't... I repeat, so glad I didn't die.
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Me and J3 Playing 3 Man |
If you're enjoying these posts, feel free to share your own Soundtrack. This isn't a hop. No requirements at all, but a suggestion to do it one song at a time. (If you participated in the hop several years ago, you can still do this. Just post them one song at a time, with the freedom to add more songs if you'd like.) I'll link to all participants at the bottom of each of these posts:
Cherdo on the Flipside
Holli's Hoots and Hollers
Mean Who You Are
Friday, January 15, 2016
Battle of the Bands ~ Waiting For Superman
I know that Battle of the Bands has become an adventure in time management. This all began with a few participants and grown to something pretty amazing. However, what I once could do in one day (vote on all BoTB) has now become a marathon versus the sprint. Yes, I'm often voting on Day 6 (and that's okay). I could've posted this read on a different day, but it goes with the song, so you get it today AND I think it's worth reading, so I hope you do.
A few days ago, one of my friends linked to a blog on Facebook entitled I Should Be Engaged. The inner me sighed in disgust, but this friend almost always links to very interesting things, so I clicked over. Turns out that the writer didn't want to be engaged to be married in 2016 but more engaged in life. In people. In daily discourse. In all of the opportunities for connection with others that get lost with this "advance" of technology (which is a double-edged sword for sure!). It made me think about all of the ways I've disengaged due to the hazardous combination of chronic illness, technology, and plain old human nature.
The truth is that it is work to be actively engaged with others. Active listening (just to name one element of engagement) is work. Am I the only one who will find my brain wandering when a story drags on a just a bit too long? That is one area of engagement I know I can work on. Another one is just the doing. Active engagement requires volunteering/participating even when it falls somewhere outside of where you feel comfortable. Isn't there someone else more "qualified" to do this? Probably. But, if you've been asked or given the opportunity... Heck, even this act of blogging requires engagement. Let's face it, I've been lacking since the holidays (and probably before that). I get tired. I run out of ideas for interesting things to write about and I find my time being sucked in other directions. But, I care very much about my blog friends and want to stay actively engaged with you.
So, while you listen to this song, I hope you think about the word engagement. Think about if you're as engaged in this life as you'd like to be. Think about ways you could engage better. I hope you share your thoughts on this (along with your vote) in the comments section. I think choosing to be engaged in the year 2016 would serve us all well!!!
The song is Waiting For Superman. I'm going to do something I rarely do and pit the originator of this song against a cover of this song. I'm only doing that because so many of you will have never heard the song, ergo it really makes no difference. Ha!
Who sang it first? Daughtry. Here is his version. I really love this video (and I think it speaks to the topic of engagement as discussed above), but if you don't think you can vote without voting on the video... don't watch it. Or watch it again after you've voted.
Here is the cover by Corvyx.
Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
A few days ago, one of my friends linked to a blog on Facebook entitled I Should Be Engaged. The inner me sighed in disgust, but this friend almost always links to very interesting things, so I clicked over. Turns out that the writer didn't want to be engaged to be married in 2016 but more engaged in life. In people. In daily discourse. In all of the opportunities for connection with others that get lost with this "advance" of technology (which is a double-edged sword for sure!). It made me think about all of the ways I've disengaged due to the hazardous combination of chronic illness, technology, and plain old human nature.
The truth is that it is work to be actively engaged with others. Active listening (just to name one element of engagement) is work. Am I the only one who will find my brain wandering when a story drags on a just a bit too long? That is one area of engagement I know I can work on. Another one is just the doing. Active engagement requires volunteering/participating even when it falls somewhere outside of where you feel comfortable. Isn't there someone else more "qualified" to do this? Probably. But, if you've been asked or given the opportunity... Heck, even this act of blogging requires engagement. Let's face it, I've been lacking since the holidays (and probably before that). I get tired. I run out of ideas for interesting things to write about and I find my time being sucked in other directions. But, I care very much about my blog friends and want to stay actively engaged with you.
So, while you listen to this song, I hope you think about the word engagement. Think about if you're as engaged in this life as you'd like to be. Think about ways you could engage better. I hope you share your thoughts on this (along with your vote) in the comments section. I think choosing to be engaged in the year 2016 would serve us all well!!!
The song is Waiting For Superman. I'm going to do something I rarely do and pit the originator of this song against a cover of this song. I'm only doing that because so many of you will have never heard the song, ergo it really makes no difference. Ha!
Who sang it first? Daughtry. Here is his version. I really love this video (and I think it speaks to the topic of engagement as discussed above), but if you don't think you can vote without voting on the video... don't watch it. Or watch it again after you've voted.
Here is the cover by Corvyx.
Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
- Far Away Series
- Stephen T. McCarthy's Battle of the Bands Blog
- Tossing it Out
- DiscConnected (temporarily disconnected from BoTB)
- Mike's Ramblings
- Curious as a Cathy
- Book Lover
- The Sound of One Hand Typing
- dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands
- Cherdo on the Flipside
- Angels Bark
- Jingle Jangle Jungle
- Janie Junebug Righting and Editing
- NovelBrews
- J.A. Scott
- Quiet Laughter
- Holli's Hoots and Hollers
- beReInVintaged
Friday, January 8, 2016
The Votes Are In And There Is A Winner (BoTB Results)
I just finished counting up the votes from Battle of the Bands. What a close one! The vote was tied up after the first ten votes (five for Ed Sheeran, five for Ruth Moody) and then it was back and forth right up until the end.
In My Life is one of my favorite Beatles songs. The lyrics captured how I was feeling ringing in the New Year, so I was pleased as punch to find two exceptional cover versions. When I listened to them I was a bit like Cherdo. This is what she said in her vote:
When I saw you used In My Life, I thought "wow!" and smiled. Truly, this
is one of my favorite Beatles' tunes. This is a perfect mix for me.
Then...Ed Sheeran. BAM, again. Love Ed Sheeran. Just look at that confident, handsome red headed crooner singing a Beatles' tune in front of Paul McCartney, Sean Lennon, and Yoko. What could possibly pull a vote away from Ed? I smiled with satisfaction as I listened.
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....Ruth Moody? I don't even know Ruth Moody's work. But I listened and got the shocker of my BOTB-life. Ruth's clear soprano coupled with a delicious grouping of strings...call the police. Someone just stole Ed Sheeran's vote. I'd have said it couldn't be done.
Then...Ed Sheeran. BAM, again. Love Ed Sheeran. Just look at that confident, handsome red headed crooner singing a Beatles' tune in front of Paul McCartney, Sean Lennon, and Yoko. What could possibly pull a vote away from Ed? I smiled with satisfaction as I listened.
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....Ruth Moody? I don't even know Ruth Moody's work. But I listened and got the shocker of my BOTB-life. Ruth's clear soprano coupled with a delicious grouping of strings...call the police. Someone just stole Ed Sheeran's vote. I'd have said it couldn't be done.
I, too, really liked Ed Sheeran until I heard Ruth Moody. That girl can sing! I thought the violin suited the song. I could go on, but I liked everything about her version. So, I also flipped from Ed to Ruth... just like that.
The final tally:
Ed Sheeran ~ 10
Ruth Moody ~ 13 (including my vote)
To everyone who voted, thank you. If you commented on my IWSG post, thank you. If you're wondering where I've been... who can say? How does a chicken with its head cut off see anything??? This chicken is working at stabilizing things and will blog visit soon. I also plan on re-launching The Soundtrack of My Life (maybe Monday). So, don't give up on me. I WILL get it together.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
IWSG ~ There's No Good Reason
Brief note on Battle of the Bands results: I'm going to extend the voting through the 7th (until I go to bed) and post the results on my post for the 8th. If your new year has been anything like mine, you're behind and need the extra time to do things (like vote on blog music battles!).
This post is my contribution to the Insecure Writer's Support Group. If you're interested in participating click HERE. As always, thanks go out to Alex J. Cavanaugh for founding this bloghop in which we can all share our writing insecurity.
I haven't been writing.
There, I said it.
On my last pass through my novel, I made a huge change to the beginning, which required much change throughout the rest. And I finished that. Probably two months ago. Then, I read it. After said reading, I wanted to throw my kindle across the room (I read my WiP on my kindle). Every time I make huge changes this story become a rough draft. Again. A very rough draft. I know it needs polishing and love and then I'll be happier with it. At least I hope I'll be happier with it.
Right now I'm not all that happy with it. This novel feels like the story that will never be what I want it to be. And that makes me want to run and hide from it. BTW, I've been doing that successfully for two months now.
The thing is this: I believe that it can be good. Maybe great. (Crossing my fingers on great.) But, it's not going to be anything if I don't knuckle down and work on it.
Anyone else ever feel this way?
This post is my contribution to the Insecure Writer's Support Group. If you're interested in participating click HERE. As always, thanks go out to Alex J. Cavanaugh for founding this bloghop in which we can all share our writing insecurity.
I haven't been writing.
There, I said it.
On my last pass through my novel, I made a huge change to the beginning, which required much change throughout the rest. And I finished that. Probably two months ago. Then, I read it. After said reading, I wanted to throw my kindle across the room (I read my WiP on my kindle). Every time I make huge changes this story become a rough draft. Again. A very rough draft. I know it needs polishing and love and then I'll be happier with it. At least I hope I'll be happier with it.
Right now I'm not all that happy with it. This novel feels like the story that will never be what I want it to be. And that makes me want to run and hide from it. BTW, I've been doing that successfully for two months now.
The thing is this: I believe that it can be good. Maybe great. (Crossing my fingers on great.) But, it's not going to be anything if I don't knuckle down and work on it.
Anyone else ever feel this way?
Friday, January 1, 2016
Battle of the Bands ~ In My Life
You'll all be glad to know that I didn't actually experience full-on mental breakdown. There were a few bad days, but your comments on the last blog helped infinitely. If you commented, thank you!
Once again, I'm reminded that just letting go of stuff isn't my strong suit. (I think I might be gaining on why migraines are so pervasive in my life... Just sayin'.) So, I chose for this Battle of the Bands a song that is all about remembering in a good way. Not holding on to it so that you can beat yourself up forever, but just loving the people who loved you while they were here. And being thankful for that.
The song is In My Life. I'm not going to use either of the two most known versions in this battle. Ergo, The Beatles and Judy Collins are out. You can't vote on them. In any case, those are both artists that people have really strong feelings about (love or hate), and I prefer you come into this one with less preconceptions. One of these artists I can say I'm familiar with (but don't really know well) and the other was totally new to me. So, I think the slate will be fairly clean on this one.
Let's begin with Ed Sheeran and his acoustic take on In My Life.
Now, let's listen to a totally different take on this song. Here is Ruth Moody.
Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
Once again, I'm reminded that just letting go of stuff isn't my strong suit. (I think I might be gaining on why migraines are so pervasive in my life... Just sayin'.) So, I chose for this Battle of the Bands a song that is all about remembering in a good way. Not holding on to it so that you can beat yourself up forever, but just loving the people who loved you while they were here. And being thankful for that.
The song is In My Life. I'm not going to use either of the two most known versions in this battle. Ergo, The Beatles and Judy Collins are out. You can't vote on them. In any case, those are both artists that people have really strong feelings about (love or hate), and I prefer you come into this one with less preconceptions. One of these artists I can say I'm familiar with (but don't really know well) and the other was totally new to me. So, I think the slate will be fairly clean on this one.
Let's begin with Ed Sheeran and his acoustic take on In My Life.
Now, let's listen to a totally different take on this song. Here is Ruth Moody.
Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!
For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:
- Far Away Series
- Stephen T. McCarthy's Battle of the Bands Blog
- Tossing it Out
- DiscConnected (temporarily disconnected from BoTB)
- Mike's Ramblings
- Curious as a Cathy
- Book Lover
- The Sound of One Hand Typing
- dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands
- Cherdo on the Flipside
- Angels Bark
- Jingle Jangle Jungle
- Janie Junebug Righting and Editing
- NovelBrews
- J.A. Scott
- Quiet Laughter
- Holli's Hoots and Hollers
- beReInVintaged
Battle of the Bands,
Ed Sheeran,
In My Life,
Ruth Moody
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