Friday, January 15, 2016

Battle of the Bands ~ Waiting For Superman

I know that Battle of the Bands has become an adventure in time management. This all began with a few participants and grown to something pretty amazing. However, what I once could do in one day (vote on all BoTB) has now become a marathon versus the sprint. Yes, I'm often voting on Day 6 (and that's okay). I could've posted this read on a different day, but it goes with the song, so you get it today AND I think it's worth reading, so I hope you do.

A few days ago, one of my friends linked to a blog on Facebook entitled I Should Be Engaged. The inner me sighed in disgust, but this friend almost always links to very interesting things, so I clicked over. Turns out that the writer didn't want to be engaged to be married in 2016 but more engaged in life. In people. In daily discourse. In all of the opportunities for connection with others that get lost with this "advance" of technology (which is a double-edged sword for sure!). It made me think about all of the ways I've disengaged due to the hazardous combination of chronic illness, technology, and plain old human nature.

The truth is that it is work to be actively engaged with others. Active listening (just to name one element of engagement) is work. Am I the only one who will find my brain wandering when a story drags on a just a bit too long? That is one area of engagement I know I can work on. Another one is just the doing. Active engagement requires volunteering/participating even when it falls somewhere outside of where you feel comfortable. Isn't there someone else more "qualified" to do this? Probably. But, if you've been asked or given the opportunity... Heck, even this act of blogging requires engagement. Let's face it, I've been lacking since the holidays (and probably before that). I get tired. I run out of ideas for interesting things to write about and I find my time being sucked in other directions. But, I care very much about my blog friends and want to stay actively engaged with you.

So, while you listen to this song, I hope you think about the word engagement. Think about if you're as engaged in this life as you'd like to be. Think about ways you could engage better. I hope you share your thoughts on this (along with your vote) in the comments section. I think choosing to be engaged in the year 2016 would serve us all well!!!

The song is Waiting For Superman. I'm going to do something I rarely do and pit the originator of this song against a cover of this song. I'm only doing that because so many of you will have never heard the song, ergo it really makes no difference. Ha!

Who sang it first? Daughtry. Here is his version. I really love this video (and I think it speaks to the topic of engagement as discussed above), but if you don't think you can vote without voting on the video... don't watch it. Or watch it again after you've voted.

Here is the cover by Corvyx.

Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!

For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:


  1. I've been finding myself less engaged these days. I still interact on the blogs, but often in perfunctory manner that feels more like obligation or routine. I mostly stay home and don't call old friends like I used to. Maybe it has something to do with getting older or feeling more out of touch with others. I'm content with my life which sometimes I think is a bad sign of being trapped in patterns of habit. I'm not sure how engaged I want or need to be anymore. Home feels good--it feels safe.

    This is a good song that I like. Both versions are quite good, but I prefer the greater drive and power of the original Daughtry version. It has the energy that I think the song calls for.

    Nice thought exercise and good battle.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I think it's easy to disengage at home. We're so comfortable that we just "drop out." Maybe resolving to engage more at home would work for you???

  2. Active engagement does take effort -- more so for introverts than extroverts, I think. I know of a few extroverts who exhaust me completely when they engage with me!

    1. My mother talks a lot (bless her heart) and I confess that I sometimes get tired just listening to her. Keep in mind that I love her to pieces!!! And still... I'll realize that I have no idea what she just said because my brain left the building.

  3. Whoa! Big choice here. I suppose if I went with video content, Daughtry would place first but that's not my main criteria. To me, he sounds like Keith Urban and that distracts me for some unknown reason. In fact, I had tears in my eyes, but that wasn't from the song itself.

    On the other hand... Corvyx vocal had me from the beginning. I was able to hear the words more clearly, and his vocal range was pleasing. I felt more engaged to his performance.

    This past year has been a great loss of engagement for me. Finally I have a health diagnosis, but it will take more time to heal than originally anticipated. That bums me out sometimes. Right now I'm like an "inch worm"... measuring a huge flower!

    Wishing you wellness, Robin!

    1. One thing I've learned over these years is that they call it practicing medicine for a reason. Even with a diagnosis, everyone responds differently. And doctors don't always understand the root of the problem. I don't know what they've diagnosed you with, but I will suggest you keep an open mind toward the many roads that will take you back to good health. There are always more than you think!

  4. Ohhh yes, my brain wanders like mad when someone starts, uh, for lack of a better word, rambling. I even start thinking of ridiculous scenarios like, "I bet if the light fixture directly above just snapped and fell onto his head, it would stop this dumb story."

    Oh, right, the battle. I like his voice better, so I'm gonna vote for Cervix. He should probably get a better name, though.

    1. You do realize you misspelled the name, right??? It's not cervix, which is freakin' hilarious, but Corvyx. Totally different dude. Totally different. Now I'm LITERALLY laughing so hard I could hurt myself. Thanks for that.

  5. Almost twenty of you now, although Donna is taking a break now.
    Engaged. I'll be thinking of Captain Picard all day now.
    Both versions are good. Hate to dis Daughtry, but the other band did it just a little better. There was more music, which added to the passion.
    Sorry, that's about the longest comment I can leave...

    1. That was a pretty long comment. :)

      When I think of Picard, I hear him saying "Number One." That sounds yucky, but you and I know it's not.

      I think Corvyx does an excellent cover of this song, so I understand your vote.

  6. It's always good to be engaged to something. Being disengaged implies doing absolutely nothing. As bloggers and writers, I would hope we become more engaged this year. To our writing as well as the writing community. That being said, we all have other things going on in our personal lives and we need to make sure the important things come first. Engage to what's most important, family and friends, and the rest will follow.

    I like Daughtry's version of the song. Yes, I am familiar with him and the song and yes I probably am a bit biased. I also liked the video for the song. Good selection in song this time.

    1. I suppose disengaged implies doing absolutely nothing, but that's really not the case. Do you know how hard it is to do absolutely nothing??? Being fully engaged means fully inhabiting the current moment. Not thinking about the past or the future (both can be very time consuming and net you all of nothing). It's about being present. Completely and totally present. I find that I spend too much time contemplating the past and/or the future. I don't listen as well as I'd like. Blah blah blah.

  7. I'll take daughtry. His caught my attention far better.

  8. Yep, I need to be more "engaged" in all aspects of my life. Writing especially. I've made it a goal (resolution) to be more engaged with my writers group, which means writing more, and being less critical. Positivity (well more positive) is the way to engage, and not feel like everything is an imposition.

    That Daughtry video embodies the "no good deed goes unpunished" attitude :) I liked both singers, they were a close match for vocals. I'm not sure if the video swayed me towards Daughtry, but I vote for him for the faster pace. And he really has a good voice.

    My son is listening too, and did not watch the videos, and he agrees Daughtry sounded better :)

    Have a good weekend Robyn. Hope you feel better health wise.

    1. Life does sometimes feel like an imposition, doesn't it? You want to get to the moment that is an hour from now, so what's going on RIGHT NOW is just a pain in the rear end. Ha!

      I suppose no deed goes unpunished is one way to look at that video. And that may be one message because most don't appreciate his intervention. I look at it like this: He may not have been the best equipped to do the job, but he was the one that was there. The difference between a hero and the other guy is willingness.

      Thanks for the input!

  9. Tough battle for me. I really like Daughtry, but the first listen through didnt really pull me in. When I listened to Corvyx, I was instantly pulled into the song. Therefore, my vote needs to go to Corvyx.

  10. I prefer Corvyx. His voice is easier on my ears than Daughtry. I could understand the words better and it seemed to be less forced. I always feel like Daughtry is trying too hard.

  11. Engaged, yeah. I sure could use a little more of that but I do tend to fill up my schedule and go through the motions sometimes just to move forward.

    Now, about this tunes: both are awesome. You chose a great song and great voices. Daughtry does an excellent, polished version and I can't say there's a darn thing wrong with it.

    Corvyx is a new artist to me - and I loved his version just a little more. Great vocals, piano...can't put my finger on it but I've got to give my vote to him.

    1. The hazard of a busy life is that we don't enjoy it. I hope that in 2016 things ease up for you that you can fully enjoy it.

      Thanks for the analysis Cherdo!

  12. I was familiar with the song, but never knew the performer or saw the video. Daughtry didn't look like it was his voice. Did that make sense. I just could not picture that voice coming out of that guy. I dunno why, but I just couldn't. I kept watching and feeling like he was lip syncing to somebody else's vocals.

    Anyway...I like the version by Corvyx better, so give him my vote. Also, please give him a better name. One I can spell and pronounce, please.

    On being fully engaged...all I can say is ha, ha, ha. I had such high hopes for 2016 and already I'm behind, bedraggled, and believing it's gonna be a doosey.

    1. It's funny the things that grab us and don't let go. I don't get that with Daughtry, but I believe you! Maybe I should have used a lyric video.... but I really liked the video itself. Ah, choices.

      Hang in there, FAE. We both know it all can turn on a dime.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    These were both rather similar, but I feel the DAUGHTRY version was a wee bit mo' heartfelt.

    I don't know either of these performers except that I think Daughtry won some TV talent show, didn't he? 'American Idol', or 'America's Got Talent', or 'America Sings', or something like that. (Wait! 'America Sings' was a ride at Disneyland. Fantastic ride, too - one of their best - and free of charge, if you can believe that! 'AMERICA SINGS':

    That one scene in the video where the "angel" pushes the girl out of the way of the bicycle rider really got my attention; reminded me of something I was involved in circa 1982 or '83.

    It was early, early morning and I was in Westwood Village (a part of Los Angeles, the city where the Daughtry video was filmed). I can't remember why I was there so early in the morning, with the morning fog all around. But I had a TERRIBLE HANGOVER and was waiting at a corner for the light to turn green so I could walk across the street.

    Standing to my right was some young woman. The light turned green, the "Walk" sign came on, and she took a step toward the street. BUT... hungover and "zoned-out" as I was, I somehow saw a car come zipping across the intersection - it had run the red light. My right arm shot out across the chest of that woman to my right and withheld her from taking another step into the street. She looked at me immediately, and right then the car shot past us in that closest lane. (Had she been allowed to take that second step, she would have been splattered all over Westwood Village!)

    The car passed, I put my arm down. She and I simply looked at each other - neither of us said a word - and then she proceeded to cross the street.

    To this day, I'm not sure that she ever saw the car. I don't really think she knew I had saved her life. She may have thought I was about to assault her and then changed my mind.

    Some of my A-list hangovers were like "Twilight Zone Territory". I know I saved that young woman's life, but I don't think she ever realized that. I don't think she saw the car because she was too concerned about me touching her.

    Hers wasn't the only life I've ever saved. You can confirm that with my own Brother. (Maybe I'm an "angel"? Ha!-Ha! I've never been accused of THAT before!)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. I knew that if anyone would have a story to come out of this video it would be YOU. And what a great story. That, my friend, is being engaged. Fully inhabiting a moment.

      On a lighter note, maybe she was deciding whether or not to give you her number (during that stare down/appraisal) and then the moment passed. Or she saw terror in your face and she decided against it. Because I'm sure the look on your face was priceless. Nothing like watching someone nearly get mowed down by a car with only your arm making the difference...

      I remember reading someone on your Stuffs (???) blog about saving Nappy's life. I'd go back and try to find it, but if I remember right there was blood involved and I felt a bit woozy after reading it the first time around.

      As for your angel comment... God has never chosen the most capable. He's always chosen the most willing.

    2. That's a fascinating story, Stephen. Have you ever considered publishing a memoir?

  15. Hey Robin. Great post. Great battle! Being engaged is a fabulous goal. If more people were engaged, the world may just be a better place!
    As for your battle: tough one. Really. I like both, but I like Corvyx just a little bit better so please give my vote to him.

    Congrats on your resolution to be more engaged. It will only serve to enrich your life! I should try it also... :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I think being engaged is a goal that I could use every year and it always be right. It's tough being fully present.

      Thanks for voting!

  16. I'm a Daughtry fan, but I'm voting for Corvyx. I like the music better. It's more exciting and dramatic.
    Be engaged, and thanks for that one. I'll work on it too.

    1. Well, your vote just proves my point. Familiarity doesn't always need to be a factor in these things. :)

      I wish us both the best with the engagement thing. It's a big challenge for sure!

  17. I had to play both twice, tough decision because I didn't care for either. You can't teach an old dog new musicability. But I'll go with Cervix, as with Shower Guys. Hahaha. A good one. Made me laugh.

    Engaged, you say. I'm so engaged that I'm running on "engagement over-flow."
    When one gets a little long in the tooth, one wakes up with a jolt and realizes there are no precious moments to be wasted anymore so we rev up and go full steam
    so we don't miss out on anything. Don't ask why because I don't know. I just know in my gut there are sooooo many things I have yet to learn and to do. Gangway!

    1. I give you a hand for listening 2x due to dislike of both.

      Manzi, I've admired your pluck since we met. I've no doubt that you are always moving at light speed!

  18. I had the same reaction as you, when I read the title "I Should Be Engaged" -"Ugh!" is right. But what a very pleasant surprise to read that the "Engaged" that the writer wrote about, was not the same "Engaged" I thought. Good thing. I've been disengaged from a lot of things that I love to do. Writing, blogging, reading, etc. Mostly because of life happening, but partly because I lost that drive within myself that I had and let life just start passing by. In the past two months or so, I have been trying really hard to change that. I want to engage in as much of life as I can. I want to be involved with people and with a love interest and friends and with myself. Engaged with myself. Somewhere between then and now, I lost my identity and want it back. And so, thank you for writing this post, I really, really enjoyed it.

    As for the song, Daughtry, hands down.

  19. Yes, engagement does take work and I do try, both offline and on. When you're self-employed and working from home, there's a tendency to "zone out", which isn't good. The older I get, the more I realize life is short and we need to make the most of it.

    Both versions of the song were good, but I've been a Chris Daughtry fan since he turned Johnny Cash's "I Walk the Line" into a rock anthem on American Idol. ☺
    There's just something about his rendition that appealed to me more. Likely the grittier vocals.

  20. Hey there! First off - the battle. I like Daughtry and have no idea who Corvyx is, but I think I prefer Corvyx's slightly more ethereal musical sounds and vocals.

    Being engaged is tough work, especially for someone who has to work with people ALL DAY LONG and really appreciates quiet moments to just escape reality for a few. I try very hard to be "in the moment" because I don't want to miss anything important. And I don't want to miss anything sentimental. There are lots of "blink and it's gone" moments in life, and I don't want to miss any of those.

  21. My former employer had a manager's training class themed "Be Here Now," which stressed engagement. I found that I would exhibit behavior in my work life that I loathed in my personal life (like being on a dinner date with a lady who looks at her phone the whole time, yet I'd look at my desk phone while meeting with employees).

    As to the song, it was no contest for me. I have always liked Daughtry and was familiar with his version. Corvyx did not do a whole lot different with the song and I find the vocal a little whiny (which seems to the the norm among today's younger acts).

    So a vote for Daughtry and a belated happy new year wish-I find myself online far less frequently lately, and am not sure I have made the BOTB (or blog) rounds in a while.


  22. I have Daughtry's version on my iTunes and have to go with it. I've been missing the BOTB a lot lately but I always like the contest you pick.

  23. Give my vote to the original. I just liked it better.

  24. I vote for the original Daughtry I preferred it better than cover!

  25. I vote for Daughtry. His voice is moving.


  26. Robin, I definitely haven't been engaging enough with bloggers, or friends that are close to home lately. I just can't seem to find the time, though I try to make up for it with calls, texts, and the occasional Facebook "likes." As for BOTB, I felt more engaged with the Corvyx version. It has a little more oomph to it.


  27. Oh man, apt post. I've been so disengaged with my blog and just... people in general lately. Life has hit me pretty hard over the last week or so, so yeah. Anyway... your battle.. I think I'll give my vote to the Corvyx cover, despite his awkward hand gestures.

  28. Robin, I am fallen into the "disengaged" trap. I don't like talking to others on the phone or going out. I prefer to keep to myself or with DH. This feels right to me. Of course, I know I should be more engaging. It's good to be with people on occasion. It's good to touch base with friends and family. There is a world outside my four walls and I need stretch beyond my boundaries. Very good battle. I thought I'd pick Chris in this round, but I actually like Corvyx's voice a wee bit more, so I'm giving my vote to contender #2.

  29. I like both voices. I like Daughtry just a bit more. My vote is for #1.


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