Sunday, March 15, 2015

And She's Gone...

I know you came here looking for Battle of the Bands, BUT I've

Catfishing you say?


That's my way of telling you I'll be back bright and early tomorrow with something VERY SPECIAL... and something never before done on this blog. (Seriously, that is the TRUTH.)

Here's a hint at the topic under discussion:

However, all is not lost. It's entirely possible you missed the much-anticipated HERE'S TO YOU post that went up on Friday. It's been so long you might not recall what that is. Hint: it's a bunch of dedications to all of YOU. So, go back one post and celebrate your awesomeness.

For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:


  1. Something special? Look forward to it!

  2. Well, darn it! And I got up extra early. Well I always get up early. I would have slept a while longer if I could have.

    See you tomorrow.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  3. Looking forward to what you will say tomorrow:)

  4. Ooohhh....intrigue! I'll be back...

  5. I finally remember to check on Sunday for the battle..... I'll try and stop in tomorrow.

  6. I like fishing, but I do like batter fried catfish. Mmm, good! :p I'll check back with ya!


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Dazzle Me!