Monday, September 1, 2014

Battle of the Bands ~ Up The Ladder To The Roof

Happy Labor Day and Battle of the Bands! I know that Battle of the Bands isn't a holiday, but it is what we are doing here today, so....

The song for this installation of Battle of the Bands is Up The Ladder To The Roof. It was the first single off of the first album for The Supremes sans Diana Ross. That was sometime in the early to mid 60s. If you want precise dates, google it. Ha! And then I found the song in the 80s on an album called One Size Fits All by The Nylons. And that is our battle for today: The Supremes vs The Nylons.

First up, The Supremes... since they did it first:

Now for the The Nylons:

For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles:

Now, is the critical moment. It is time to vote for your favorite version of this song. I even encourage you to leave me long comment explaining all the ins and outs of why you voted as you did! 


  1. First of all I'm thrilled to see The Nylons represented in a BOTB post. It makes sense due to most of their songs being covers and good ones at that. I became a big Nylons fan after seeing them on a Juno awards show sometime around 1985 or so. I started buying every album of theirs that I could find. Too bad they didn't get more recognition in the U.S.

    I always liked the Supremes version of this song. This is a tough match since both versions are well done.

    I'm going with The Nylons for their original take on the tune and because I'm happy to see them represented.

    Tossing It Out

  2. I have found in recent months I preferred Supremes vol. II to Volume I. Give me the ladies, please.

  3. The Nylons get my vote. I've seen them live a couple of times, and they sing a cappella. Fantastic voices. I love their music, and it's never tiresome.

    The Supremes with or without Diana Ross sound too prepackaged. Never a big fan of the girl Motown groups, preferred the guy groups instead.

  4. The two vocal groups proposed are very beautiful, I personally have always had a "fascination" for singers and vocal groups of 60-70 years.

    In this "Battle of the Bands", I was struck by the vocal group "The Supremes" ..Diana Ross, whom I remember with sympathy in a song titled "Baby Love" .. old but still valid.

    Robin ... I'm going with "The Supremes".

  5. Thank you for voting. Right now it is tied. Looks like this could be a close one!!!

  6. I just lost my comment and I'm not writing it again..... Gotta run
    I vote for the Supremes

  7. This was really close, but in the end I've got to give it up to the Supremes. I just love their sound.

  8. The Nylons win for good use of backup acapella.

    This was an interesting BOTB match-up.

    I will tell you that normally I do not care for vocal groups that also try to impersonate musical instruments (when there are none). For example, when The Nylons "sing" the bass: "Boom-Boom-Ba-Boom-Ba-Boom-Boom!"

    However, I will say that The Nylons do this bit better'n most.

    Nevertheless, there's a reason The Supremes were called "The Supremes".
    It don't get no better'n that.

    I vote for The Supremes, because The Nylons aren't supreme.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  10. I'd heard the original version of this when it first came out after Diana Ross left the Supremes, and liked it, maybe because I liked the sound of the Ross-less Supremes better. I had not heard The Nylons' version of the song until today, but I like what they did with it. As much as I liked The Supremes' version, I'm going with The Nylons here.

    By the way, Arlee asked me to let you know that I'm new to the BOTB as of today. I'd be honored to have you stop by.

    John Holton
    The Sound Of One Hand Typing

  11. Well, this remains a close race. I haven't had one of those in a while. I am so excited. You can't see me but I am rubbing my hands together in glee. Does anyone do that anymore????

    Welcome new voters!!! And StMc, I have to say that you surprised me. I thought you would vote for The Nylons. Goes to show what I know...

    1. Hmmm... Why did my vote surprise you?

      Were you thinking that my appreciation of The Baseballs would translate to an appreciation of The Nylons?

      {If that's not what you had in mind, then I'm stumped 'bout why you thought I might vote Nylons.}

      ~ D-FensDogg
      'Loyal American Underground'

    2. Yes, I guess that was what I was thinking. Turns out, I really shouldn't have been surprised by your vote. In fact, I am beginning to understand that I don't do a very good job at predicting how these things will go.

    3. GIRL WONDER ~
      Don't feel bad about that because... you've got company: me!

      There is no question that the majority of the time my 'Battle Of The Bands' installments turn out the opposite of what I had expected before the voting began. I'm frequently astounded to find just how wrong my preconceived idea about the outcomes end up being.

      This current "Battle" on my blog is a good example of this. I really didn't believe I could predict which version would win because I thought this was one that would go right down to the wire. Instead, although It's certainly no shut-out, this one's pretty close to a blowout. NEVER would have dreamed that possible.

      Oh well, the uncertainty of the final results is just one more thing that keeps it interesting.

      ~ D-FensDogg
      'Loyal American Underground'

  12. Well now, I liked the Supremes, with or without Diana, and I never heard of the Nylons before. (I mean, what kinda name is the Nylons, anyway?) But,but, BUT, I LIKE the sound of the dudes named after stockings. Go figure. Count me in for the Nylons.

  13. I've never heard that song before, but I'm going to have to go with The Supremes.

  14. I've never heard this song before. This is new to me. And the Nylons, that's a band I've never heard of. Where do you find this stuff? Supremes get my vote.

  15. The Supremes kinda gave me a flash-back head ache. Gads, I can't believe I used to love this style music.

    But, I did like the Nylons better; I could actually understand the words.

  16. i like the nylons better they bring so much more to the song. I often go with the original so this one surprised me.

  17. I have never heard this song until now, and I'm going with The Nylons. :)

  18. What an interesting dual! I'm totally torn here. I love the retro sound of The Supremes, but I so like new spin that Nylon brought to this song with their vocal instrumental-like sounds, harmonizing, and accapella rendition. Everything considering...this really is hard for me...I think The Supremes get my vote. Yes, it's The Supremes for me!

  19. Great bout, Robin! It's a tough choice.

    I'm always impressed by the vocal abilities of these a capella singers, and the Nylons have truly fabulous voices. I almost voted for them, but they lost me near the end of the song as they got a little over the top.

    I'm going with the Supremes for this one.

  20. No question about it - The Supremes! Even their second string team whips the Nylons. The Supremes get my vote, but as for Diana, my world is empty without you , babe.

  21. The Nylons get my vote on this one. I think I like the fresher sound.

  22. My love of the Motown sound is not exactly a first record purchase was the first Jackson 5 my vote goes to Diana and the gurlz!

  23. I like The Nylons version better than I thought I would, but in the end I have to side with Larry. I like that Motown sound. Give my vote to the Supremes.

  24. I usually like the Supremes, but I think the Nylon's version of this song is more fun. It made me want to kick off my shoes and dance the night away!



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