Wednesday, October 2, 2013
IWSG, BOTB, A Third Blog?, and Balance
Today is the first Wednesday of the month and that means it is time for an Insecure Writer's Support Group post. The link will take you directly to the group page. There is a Linky List there for anyone who would like to participate to sign up. This group is not just for published writers. Nope. Anyone who is struggling with writing is invited to join. Alex J. Cavanaugh founded the group a few years ago and it is now hundreds strong. Yeah, that means that there are a TON of Insecure Writers out there.
As many of you know, I have been on vacation for the last two weeks. We went to Las Vegas and then back to Augusta, GA, for a few days. During that time I have contributed NADA to my WIP. I returned home yesterday and all I had time for was to post my Battle of the Bands bout and vote on other people's battles on their blogs. (If you missed that post, I really hope you will follow the link back and vote for your choice. It is so much fun!!!)
It is safe to say that I am behind in Everything and my HERE'S TO YOU post is nonexistent. And tomorrow is Thursday.... Yikes!
So, let me tell you about what I have been contemplating that is writing-related and get your input on THAT.
I currently have two blogs. This one which I really like to use for non-writing things. This blog was created with the intention of addressing things that I felt were relevant in my life. I tend to believe that if it is relevant for me that it will also speak to YOUR human experience as well. I really wasn't kidding when I subtitled it Blog Therapy. My other blog, TV Junction Function, is all about things on TV. Sometimes I post on current TV shows and other times I take a step back in time and look at things that have been cancelled. If it was on TV (ever), it is possible that it may appear on that blog.
Since I have started writing (again), and following more blogs of writers, I now think that I just might need a THIRD blog. Yep. One that is strictly to promote other writers, acknowledge some of the great blogs or sites that I have found that help other writers, etc. I suppose my question for you folks who ARE writers, is that a good idea? Would you follow that blog? Do you have multiple blogs that you use for entirely different purposes? What has your experience been?
Most important... I don't want to be so consumed with blogging that my writing time dwindles down to nothing. It is becoming very clear to me that I must establish a balance. So, in addition to my question about the third blog, I am also willing to hear any strategies that have helped you to achieve Balance in your life.
Bring it on.
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Dazzle Me!
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Oh my...a 3rd? I can barely handle one...but you are amazing and I say go for it!!! Hope you had a wonderful time in Las Vegas.
ReplyDeleteI have my own and then co-hosting both the IWSG site and the A to Z Challenge. That is all I can handle. Actually, if I ever want to write again, it's more than I can handle.
ReplyDeleteI only have one blog that is mine alone but I partner in a few others. I don't think I could keep up more than one and still have time to write.
ReplyDeleteI have two blogs and one is totally abandoned and the Cave is a mess of dwarves and dragons. I would say if the idea really excites you, then go ahead. If you think it will be more work and you'll be sacrificing things that gives you more pleasure (like your own writing), then you might want to think it twice.
ReplyDeleteI just have one, but then I only started blogging because of my writing. I would follow it for sure. I think maybe if you have a schedule for your blogs it would help you. Like post on this blog one day of the week and then another another day. Good luck with it.
ReplyDeleteOr just put everything on the one blog as the mood takes you. It's the combination of things that makes a blog interesting, mostly.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I couldn't handle 3 blogs. My head has been spinning lately with promoting not only my own novel, but other author's as well. And between social media and the blog it definitely takes away from my writing. Sometimes blogging is a good reprieve. With that said, I wish you luck on your decision and getting back to your writing. And it sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.
ReplyDeleteI used to have three and am down to one. I say do what you feel like and go for it!
ReplyDelete-Ilima Todd (IWSG co-host)
I'm going to echo what's already been said-be careful you do not spend so much time blogging that you do not write.
ReplyDeleteI have three-the music one, the political one, the sports one. I only post on the music one with some regularity, and even at that am often posting about matters not musical (I do not think I've actually reviewed anything in a few months).
I think three is a lot, and I wonder whether the followers you get will actually be readers. When I see people who follow dozens of blogs, I wonder how they possibly read them all.
One blog is enough for me. But if you're going to highlight writers, I can understand wanting to do that as a separate blog. How about combining your first two blogs, as a way to save time and energy? I also have less time for writing due to blogging - with just one blog baby. Whatever you decide, welcome home!
It depends on you and your priorities. Personally, I can barely keep up with one blog, but I'm an old broad. (HA!) (Crap, so maybe that wasn't funny... too true to be funny...)
ReplyDeleteThe question is, is blogging a high priority and writing your hobby, or is it the other way around?
You summed up my worries in your last paragraph. How about one blog devoting a different day of the week for writing topics, one for "other" topics and one for TV topics? This from the person who is struggling to get one blog post a week written, and to write too because I am working more hours. Oh work. Darn it. I hate that four-letter word!
ReplyDeleteI have three blogs....my "writing" one, my "everything else" one, and one I do with my wife where we discuss our journey of getting healthy.
ReplyDeleteI've found that I can't stretch myself quite -that- thin and two always wind up suffering.
I don't see anything wrong with having just one blog with multiple subsections....maybe highlighting a section on different days?
Either way, hope you had a great vacation and looking forward to the pics! :)
Robin: If you do set up a third, I will join and participate. However, I love what you are doing now. One possibility is to devote one post each week to writing. I would be very happy to volunteer some "guest" posts on the subject, if you need some initial material to get you going.
ReplyDeleteThree would be a lot. I have mine and one set up for my YA series that used to be a website. Besides helping with the IWSG site, I couldn't imagine doing more. It would probably just dilute your efforts online and might spread you too thin.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the comments. Taking into consideration all of you, I am inclined to NOT start a third blog. I will keep the TV blog and make more of an effort to post on it weekly. For a while, I might do dual posts here and there. I also like the idea of devoting one day a week for "all things writing." That would encompass new book releases from fellow bloggers, writing tips, and well... you get the idea. Maybe Tuesday so that it is up for a few days before the Thursday post. I do think it is important that I become more consistent about the blogging. When I decide on a surefire schedule I will post something.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I am still open to your ideas, so keep them coming!!!
Glad to see you decided not to do it - NOT that I wouldn't have enjoyed it. I absolutely would have! How wonderful of you to want to promote other writers. But, in my experience, more blogging time means less writing time. I love your voice Robin. I'd love to see you publish a book. Happy writing!
ReplyDeleteHoly cow, Robin, you need a 3rd and 4th job because obviously you have too much time on your hands. LOL Just kidding. Have you thought of using labels and doing only one blog? Separate the topics under different labels so you can more or less keep them separate but inside the same house/blog. Lots of writers do that. I do that. It's like having several rooms in your house to accommodate your clothes, food, and bathing. I'm not a good example of someone who balances well, but I am learning that as the demands of my writing life increase, blogging and visiting other blogs must take a backseat. If writing is what's important to you, I would think its place comes after family and work, but not after blogging and blogging. In the same breath, if you're trying to make a presence online, then blogging and visiting other blogs is crucial but only until you're established. It's later when you're accomplished that you'll find more time to help other writers. But that's just my take on this crazy profession of ours.
ReplyDeleteLastly, you could use one blog by having a side bar for the three different topics: personal stuff, writing stuff, reviews and shout outs.
I think having another blog might get confusing, especially as it's not a completely different subject. As it will be writing related it might be simpler to include those posts in this one.
ReplyDeleteOops, my comment just disappeared.
ReplyDeleteHere's the short version:
I have 4 blogs that publish a total of 6 days per week. Writing the blogs posts doesn't take up too much time, but the networking is what distracts me from writing.
A Faraway View
If you can manage three blogs, go for it, but as you've noted for some of us it can cut into our writing time. I started a third one for practical reasons - the kid lit crowd is looking for something different than what I write at my adult story blog and there's the one dedicated to book reviews. When things get tough the blogging is what goes first, so I keep that in mind at all times.
ReplyDeleteA third blog would be cool! Forgive me for not stopping by more often. Since I live in Egypt, my server is very slow and I have download limits. This page just took 7 minutes to load for me (not joking), and sometimes the videos start to download by themselves. Wishing you all the best with your blogs and your life, Robin! :-)
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... Recent blog break aside, I have trouble keeping two blogs going! lol My second is the one that suffers most often, admittedly because it has fewer readers. Don't get me wrong...It's not that I don't value those folks, because I absolutely do. It's just that the majority also read my main blog (GATAB) and if there's something going on in my life that isn't food related, I either put duplicate posts on both blogs, or I write the post on the appropriate blog (usually SOTKT) and then create some kind of clickable link to it in the side bar of the other. (like I did with my "bling out your blog" series) I can't say that it's the best solution for everyone, but it's what works for me at the moment. I agree w/the others... go with what feels right for YOU. xoxo, M
ReplyDeleteTrying to catch up a bit, as I've been a.w.o.l. for so long ... :( Balance - ah, now that's part of why I've been gone so long! Despite having been raised in a time where we were told that women could do everything - not just ANYthing, but EVERYthing - it has been proven to me repeatedly that we cannot. No one can, without a lot of money and a huge support system; and then, they're not really doing everything, are they??? I vote for focusing on what you do well, like writing and empathy. I vote for focusing on things that make you happy. I vote for things that support you in your goals and in your future. Balance will come when you streamline, not when you over-reach ....