Thursday, January 24, 2013


SURPRISE. Drum roll please. I present to you HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY. Yes, you read that correctly. HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY is back on Thursday and it's author is really trying to make it weekly again. Wowza. I have actually been doing a fair amount of blog reading and even taking notes when a blog strikes a chord with me. I say to myself, "I might be able to find some footage for that for the Thursday post." And here we are. Back in business. Some of you are wondering what in the heck I am rambling about now. Well, peeps, let me give you the skinny on this event...

This used to be a weekly event landing typically on Thursdays. It is my hope that it will be a weekly event again. Today is a good start. The best (or worst) part is that I am not going to explain why I chose "whatever" footage for each of you. If, you watch your footage and are scratching your head at the end, well that means I didn't do a very good job. However, all is not lost. You can email me at and ask me what I was thinking when I chose that particular piece of footage off of youtube and connected it to you. And then I will tell you. Then I will start sending up prayers that I haven't offended the crap out of whoever is on the receiving end of that Because, honestly, I will tell you right now... I admire all of you enormously so I really hope that doesn't happen.

Also, this is not an exclusive venture by any means. I hope that you will take the time to watch ALL of the footage because I don't pick bad footage:-) I also hope that you might check out the blog of the person I dedicated the footage to because they are pretty darn awesome. If you haven't figured this out yet... I pick the footage based on something that you've written or something that I've gleaned from your personality. Think on that for a while... If you are having trouble watching the entire video (meaning it is being cut off on one side), click on it a couple of times and it will take you straight over to youtube. If you click on the four squares at the bottom corner of the video, it will enlarge it to fill your screen. The escape key will bring it back to normal size. The back arrow will bring you back to my page.

Now, let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!!

This one is for everyone:

This one is for Liza at Middle Passages:

This one is for Alex at Alex J. Cavanaugh:

This one is for Myra at Of Pounds and Politics:
start at 13:04

This one is for Matt Conlon at =]V[=:

This one is for Lotta Joy at the Witless Relocation Program:

This one is for Jasmine at A Yellow Rose of Texas:

image found at


  1. Wow, thank you! I'm honored with your song choice. And that was a sweet one for Liza. She's really awesome. You rock, Robin!

    1. Ah, but you are welcome. You do help someone when you can...

  2. Thanks for including me! I have a slow connection and with constant buffering I only got less than 5 minutes watched before it completely hung up. I could tell there was a ruling class with the groupies that had no clue they were expendable. Am I close? Be careful out there.

    1. On your clip it says to start at 13:04. Basically, I just want you to watch the very last scene and it starts 13 minutes into the clip. You just have to push the triangle up to the 13 minute mark. You will get it once you watch the clip....

  3. some people kill themselves all at once...and some people do it a little every day. Don't I get that. and juggle.

    1. Yeah. One of my favorite episodes of that show. Of course, they were all great. ::sigh::

  4. ROBIN ~
    This is a very clever idea you've come up with.

    I just wanted to stop by and say I read your "Ron Paul" comment on Downsizers' blog and how much your political awareness is impressing me. The more of your stuffs I read, the more wowed I become.

    I'm so accustomed to encountering utterly clueless Americans that when I stumble across someone like you who really knows the gig, it almost fills me with renewed hope for America. (I said, "almost".)

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. I don't claim to know it all, or even close to it all. I just make an effort to learn more every day. I consider myself A Work In Progress.

  5. Hey there, Robin...

    I'm glad you are finding time to do these again... I've always enjoyed them!!


    1. So glad you stopped by Shoes. I really love doing them, too. You have no idea how close you came to getting one this week! I just couldn't find the EXACT footage I wanted and I am such a perfectionist. Gah.

  6. OMG. With what you have done for me, it makes me LOVE YOU!! I was telling Stud that I wished I could find a friend like me. I wasn't being proud, or tooting my own horn, but sometimes I get discouraged being there for absolutely everyone, yet never having anyone here for me when I need it.

    Something tells me we'd be "that type" of friends to each other.

    Thank you SO MUCH for making me feel good.

    1. Well ::blush:: I guess I hit the mark. And I know precisely what you mean about friends. And absolutely agree that we would be "that type" of friends. I am so glad that I made you feel good. That makes me very happy:)

  7. I'm trying to figure out why that particular scene resonated with you...although I remember it, I loved it, and yes, I know it seems like I live in Star's Hollow. I don't, although I like to pretend I do. Anyway, thank you for a lovely memory and a good laugh. Oh that Kurt!!! Is this where I confess I have the entire Gilmore Girls series on DVD? Gifts from my husband, no less!

    1. I have the entire series on DVD, too. No worries.

      As to the why I chose it. It was your blog about tides. I looked FOREVER to find something about goals, changes in a person's perspective, etc. And then I found this. Do you see it now?

  8. Ah Robin, I am still several days behind in blogger land. So no, I hadn't seen this yet.
    You actually got so much in that one video, which I honestly never ever would have seen any other way. For one I honestly do not know who this Gosling guy is- remember I see about 2 movies a year, usually not current and well here's where I have to be super honest and admit that Canadians kind of rub me wrong. I live pretty close to the border and often have to over hear Canadian apathetic conversations that are just so damn scary and then there was that crazy Canadian mentally ill chick I spent way too much time with, yada, yada, yada...
    So, as to the video- you are spot on as always. Probably more than you already know. The whole Elvis thing: it is actually a whole weird world in which I have even witnessed senior citizen women tossing panties onstage. And we're only friends, not even related, so I can't imagine living with an Elvis impersonator! My friend is so good as he does resemble Elvis enough and his voice is so close it'll give you goose bumps. Then there's the whole ballet reference: oh boy, I have been in a class where somebody comes in off the street with no experience whatsoever. Let's just say the ballet world can be cruel. Funny stuff and you rock! Thanks! It's only early Tuesday morning so I'm really not SO far behind and I think I've needed to watch it so I don't go around bombing people's comments with my frustration these days.

    1. That is awesome about hitting so many of your points with one video. I will say this: sometimes I watch a video and it just "speaks" to me. I saw this one after your Elvis post and it said "you have to dedicate this to Jasmine." Now, I didn't know that it would hit you on so many levels, but I see myself as a conduit through which the Universe sometimes speaks and The Universe knows all. So there you go:)

  9. Oh and I can't believe I made it into 'here's to you' two weeks in a row!

  10. Robin: This has always been one of my favorite segments, and now that I know many of the bloggers, it is that much better!

    1. You just hit the nail on the head. That is why I link to each person's blog. This is one of those things that only gets better when you know the other players. You enjoy all of the other segments that much more:)

  11. I am on Team Ryan Gosling and probably always will be.

    And I remember watching Luke and Lorelai kiss for the first time on Gilmore Girls and just screaming with happiness.

    Man, I need to watch that show again on dvd!

    I hope things are well with you, hon.

    1. I really like Ryan Gosling, too. More and more with each movie choice. He is one of those people that I hope I would like when I actually met the person. You never really know based on movie characters.. sigh. It is always a mistake to think you know someone because you have seen them in movies and like them. They are acting. Helloooo. But, I like to think that he would be cool:)

      Moving on... I do love my Gilmore Girls!!!! Whenever I post one of these clips I spend some time writing more ending to that show that doesn't actually exist. ::excessive amount of sighing::

      Things are clicking along here. I would say things are a solid medium. Could be better, could be worse. I have been meditating more to try and push that into medium-well. It does seem to be helping:)

      I hope things are well with you. You aren't blogging much. That tells me you are BUSY and I take that as good!!!


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