Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Dear Librarian,

When I first embarked on reading the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris, I had to reserve the first couple of books at the Main Library, because that is where we were, but I picked them up at our small local library. It is wonderful having this interconnected library system. The Main Library is huge, and the librarians are efficient, but they aren't particularly nice. I suppose it is because they get asked a lot of dumb questions all day long and the line is never ending.

It was a complete change of pace when I walked into our small local library and met you. You were all smiles, very helpful, and made the library feel homey. It reminded me of how I felt about the library when I was a kid. I loved the library. I left the library skipping. Not really. But in my head, I was skipping. I left with a smile on my face and happiness in my heart. It was the same smile you were wearing when I walked in.

When I got the notice that my next set of reserved books were in, I went back to the library to return the ones I had read, and to pick up my new ones. This time you greeted me by name, and with a smile. Wow. I felt like Norm when he walked into Cheers. You helped me figure out which books were next in the series, reserved them, and I left humming.

The next time I came to the library you weren't working, and I felt a bit sad. However, your co-workers are nice. They don't have a smile that lights up like yours, but they share that same desire to help with kindness. Now I know that whenever I go to the library, no matter who is working, that person will reach out and treat me with goodwill. In fact, he or she will go out of his or her way to make sure that I find the book that I am seeking. It is the best customer service I have found in a long, long time.

However, even though I still don't know your name (shame on me), you are still my favorite.

With Greatest Respect,


P.S. I am also guest posting today at Destination Unknown. Nicole is on vacation and I am stepping in to fill the void. I hope you drop in to check it out!

image grifted from Miss Angie at My So-Called Chaos


  1. Always nice when the people you have to interact with are polite and nice.

    I love that series! :D

  2. wonderful, I met a dude like that once on an army post. He helped me find all my paperwork and filled out everything with a whistle and a smile.
    When I asked him why he was soooo happy he said "God is in my heart, how can I not be happy."
    I never forgot that dude.

  3. I love it. The library in my neighborhood is chalked full of awesome ladies who all know my girls and my names,they greet us as soon as we come in the door and remember details of our lives. They have even been known to put aside new release movies for me without me even having to ask because they knew I ( used) to be schleping around with a baby and a toddler and my only recreation was the damn movies I checked out from the library on Tuesdays!I think librarians have got to be a special breed of sweethearts!Love this letter!


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