Sunday, January 15, 2017

BoTB ~ Baby, Now That I've Found You

 Fellow bloggers, once again blogging has gotten away from me. I could say I was disheartened by my last Battle of the Bands (true), but that isn't the sum total of what's going on here. Never is, right? I'm struggling a bit with "where do I go from here?" given that life is beginning to look more positive for me.

I confess that I did have a bad bout with migraines a few days ago. Interestingly enough, I think it's because I'm also having trouble with my sinuses (allergies?), which caused my vestibular issues to become issues (again) and my migraines to become problematic (again). I really thought I was in for another ear infection, which was really bad (understatement), and I freaked out for about two days. My ENT doctor confirmed there was no infection, but lots of drainage, which probably started it all. BUT, the really interesting thing for me was having the migraine again. It was two days of pure hell, which turned into enlightenment when I grasped that was EVERY day for fourteen years. Fourteen years. This all began in January 2003. Those two days were miserable, but when I remembered that every day used to be like those two days... well, let's just say gratitude became the prevailing attitude.

Anyway, I shall endeavor to be better in the next week about visiting your blogs. I really appreciate taking this journey with you.

On to the battle at hand! My friend, Stephen T. McCarthy, consulted his Magic 8 Ball on this battle (after getting a whiny response from me about my last battle results). Oh wait... what were those results? Dolly Parton stomped all over Al Green and Annie Lennox until their egos were the size of my pinkie finger. Dolly ran away with 12 votes (inc mine) while Al and Annie only netted 3. It was very sad. So, Stephen lent me an ear and offered to consult on my potential match-up. According to Magic 8 Ball, The Foundations are going to heartily beat Alison Krauss (my two contenders today) by 2 to 1. Even so, I'm going forth with this battle. I think Magic 8 Ball might be off on those odds. The Foundations has familiarity going for them since they recorded this song first, but Alison Krauss sings like an angel (in my humble opinion). So, let the battle begin!

The song is Baby, Now That I've Found You. I'll let The Foundations go first (since they actually recorded it first).

And, here is Alison Krauss.

Please vote for the version of this song you prefer. If you want to get into the Ins and Outs of why you like one better than the other... I LOVE long comments!

For more Battle of the Bands fun, check out the other BOTB bloggers to vote on their battles. I've stopped trying to keep up with who is running a battle and who isn't. To see who is participating, go here: Stephen T. McCarthy's Battle of the Bands Blog.


  1. I've got to get me one of those new and improved magic 8 balls. The added electrolytes sound devine - especially after waking up each morning with either a foot or leg cramp this past week.

    I'm giving my vote to The Foundations. While I agree that Diana Krauss does have a beautiful voice, I'm a little attached to The Foundations.

    Great battle!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. If you're not already taking magnesium, consider adding to eliminate those cramps. Any form but oxide absorbs. I personally favor magnesium citrate.

  2. Sinus and ear issues are never fun and even worse when you add a migraine! :( I'm glad you're feeling better again, Robin. BTW, since starting with the iodine, my energy level has increased and I feel better in general, so thanks again for that tip. I'm a big fan of the Motown sound and have to give this one to The Foundations. The nostalgia factor had something to do with it, as well. Hope you have a good week!

    1. So excited that the iodine is working for you. If you would, keep me apprised of anything "new" that happens. I hope more good things come your way.

      Ah that nostalgia. It seems to have gotten to lots of folks on this battle. Thank you for voting, Debbie!

  3. I wish I could help out on any of the issues presented. However, I am no doctor, and I know the Foundations so well that it took Allison about two notes to lose.

    1. You could decide that vote in two notes. Did you watch NAME THAT TUNE back in the day? I loved that show as a kid.

    2. Yup. Not terrible at it back in the day, but a lot of water under this bridge now...

    I don't think I'd ever actually heard Alison Krauss until the invention of BOTB. It was probably through your blog that I first heard her, and I do like her. She's got a really nice voice, and I like the way she made this song her own, turning it into a ballad. Or, well, something like a semi-midtempo ballad. Sounds great. Too bad she's going up against a classic.

    I've heard this song a godzillion+1 times. It's one of those situations where no matter how often you've heard the song, you never knew the name of the group who performed it. Now I know: THE FOUNDATIONS. (Naturally the name begins with "The". Anybody who's seen the wonderful movie "The Commitments" knows that it HAD to begin with a "The".)

    I really like the voice of the lead singer of The Foundations -- he sounds like a real man, not some falsetto-singin' girlie man. And the energy that The Foundations put into their recording matches the exuberance being expressed by the lyrics. That joyful sentiment needs some energy to sell it.

    I think if I'd never heard The Foundations version, I could have more easily bought the idea of this song as a ballad. It really does kind of work the way Allison re-imagines it. But when placed against that exuberant original, she just can't quite measure up.


    Now, where the heck that bus be? Why dat bus driver always late?! The bar opens in 15 minutes and I always wanna be the first one there so I can sit in that place where the cute bartenderesse always has to bend over to reach the Rum and Bourbon bottles.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. Ah, Steven, you even told me how this would go thanks to your psychic Magic 8 Ball. Did I listen? Do I ever? NOOOO. I think you may be wrong on the odds. 2 to 1 isn't looking very good.

    2. Although 2 to 1 is most definitely a blowout, I agree that it may also have been a bit too optimistic for poor Alison.

      My own Battle, meanwhile, looks to be heading toward my 12th BOTB tie. (I hope that doesn't happen though.)

      I shall continue to make myself available should you wish to consult me or my electrolytes-laden Magic 8-Ball for additional pre-BOTB feedback of future Battles. ...At very little cost to you, BTW. (You may want to give me more than 10 hours advance notice though. Ha! ...Now where the heck did I leave my silk pajamas?!...)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  5. The Foundations all the way. The other singer sucked the life out of the song.
    Sorry about the migraine, but it's awesome that's not every day for you now.
    I was offline until January's IWSG post, so I missed the last one.

    1. Sucked the life out of the song??? Ouch, Alex, you breaka my heart.

      Actually, I'm not at all surprised by your vote. You tend to like your music hot and fast (like your books and women and... I'll stop now).

  6. The second one dragged too much. I don't mind a band changing the tempo a little, but slowing it down didn't help the song. I think the Foundations did it much better.

    1. I hear what you're saying. Maybe next time I'll make it harder to decide the vote...

  7. An ear infection can be miserable. I used to get more of them when I was younger and it's been a while since my last one. Glad to hear your outlook is improving. I too have been having a "where do I go from here" dilemma. Making it worse is my contemplation of how much longer do I have to get there. I guess it's best not to dwell on these overly much and just keep going.

    This is a tough battle. I was familiar with Alison's version, but I hadn't heard it in a long time. Being far more familiar with the version by the Foundations I figured I'd be going with them. Then I listened to Krauss after not having heard this for so long. Yes, she sings like an angel and I like the instrumentation as well (a fiddle usually sways my vote).

    Maybe it's my Sunday afternoon mood, but I'm going to cast my vote for Alison Krauss.

    Good battle!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. While I like Alison Krauss' voice, I have to give my vote to the Foundations. So sorry you are dealing with the migraines. I hope it gets better for you soon!

    1. Hey, Yvonne. Thanks for stopping in to vote. The migraines are ever so much better. My point was that every day used to be a migraine sort of day. Not anymore! And that makes migraine days all the more intolerable. Funny that... but, a dose of perspective sure does help it all go down easier.

  9. It's hard, practically impossible, to beat The Foundations' version of this. Nice try, Allison... you had a nice take on the song, but... no. Foundations for the win.

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking they have this one sewn up. Unless I can flip the Electoral College. Think it's possible?

  10. I had a migraine over the weekend because we had tons of rain and clouds. It sucked! Hope yours goes away soon.
    My vote goes to Allison. I love her voice

    1. Yes, I still get lowgrade migraines when the barometer drops out. But, still and all, things are so much better than they were.

      Thank you, Holli, for throwing a vote to my gal AK. You're the bestest!!!

  11. Robin, Alice Krauss did a nice cover and the more I listened to it the more I liked it but it's so hard to compete with the original on this song. The Foundations fill me with the essence of being happily in love finding the right one. So, give my vote to The Foundations. I know when my allergies are bothering me I will get awful headaches borderline migraine type headaches, so I can relate. Here's hoping you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing your battle and for stopping in to vote in mine!

    1. I think that once you decide you really like the Alison Krauss version, you'll want to hear it when you're looking for something not so uptempo. I have her version on what I loosely call my "Mellow Mix" on my phone. I promise it does become a favorite with repeat listening.

      But, I got you down for The Foundations.

  12. I'm sorry to hear about the migraines, and I'm also sorry to hear about the Magic 8 Ball's predictions, because that's totally my fault, having been the purchaser of said 8 Ball. I'm gonna have to follow its advice, because while Alison does have a beautiful voice... musically, The Foundations nailed it from all angles.

    1. Well, thank you very little Bryan. It sure is nice to know who to blame when it all hits the fan. YOU. The gifter of the Magic 8 Ball. I shoulda known. I'd go on some more but AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I vote for the first one ....the foundations. My reason, it's more danceable.

    I thought your migraines were sailing on a boat on fire, out to sea. They belong

    1. They are so much better. I simply had a two day run that was terrible (caused by allergies and the tube running from mouth to ear getting agitated). But, yes, things are still mostly excellent on the migraine front. I guess I didn't make that clear in my post as everyone seems to think I'm still suffering daily....

  14. Wow, Allison has a really nice voice and she does a good job with this song but overall it belongs to The Foundations, at least for my vote. It's the Foundations all the way. They rock this song and I so love it!

    I truly hope your migraines fade away like last night's sunset...
    Feel better, my friend. Take good care of yourself...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Well, you gotta go with the one you love. Or the one you're with...

  15. SheboyganboyVI tried to comment on my blog, but his comment was eaten. Fortunately, he used the copy/paste attitude (having experienced these sorts of problems before) saving said comment. He then emailed it to me. Without further ado, here is SheboyganboyVI's first comment on this here blog (thank you, sir, for taking the time!):

    I rarely get around to visiting BOTBs other than Stephen McCarthy's and Tossing It Out, but I'm glad I stopped by here this time!

    Over the years of BOTB, I have occasionally read complaints by other BOTB hosts that sometimes lesser known versions of songs are not given a decent listen by the voters because the “hit" song was just too familiar.  Maybe they are right.  That’s what I think is happening here with “Now That I’ve Found You.”

    Like others here, I heard this song over and over again in the mid-sixties.  It brings back memories of laying on the beach at Del Mar and listening to my AM portable transistor radio.  The Foundations do it well, but it feels about a minute too long as originally done.  They built it up a little too much, Buttercup!

    Allison Krause, though - I say in dramatic disagreement with some other comments here - makes it interesting.  She makes it her own, and the bluegrassy fiddle solo at around 2:00 was very fun.  Then her vocal stylings and harmonies that follow are just excellent.  I’ve been a fan of her for years, and this take on the song just reinforces my belief. A vote for Allison.

    I suggest that your readers listen again and see if it grows on them.  I’ll bet it does.  They have a few days to change their votes.

    1. I agree with you on all of this. I think The Foundations version drags on a bit long at the end. Precursor to the 80s??? I love me some 80s music, but I had no idea how repetitive those choruses get until I started singing karaoke. Whoo-ey. They do go on. And on. And on.

      You don't know me but I'm all about flipping the vote. ::wink::

  16. >>... I suggest that your readers listen again and see if it grows on them. I’ll bet it does.

    Are you saying that we just haven't listened to it well enough? Are you saying that we just haven't listened to it enough times? Are you saying that we just haven't honestly given it a fair chance? Are you seeing a pattern here?

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

  17. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Now, if you all agreed with me, I'd know that you had listened to it enough times. But since you don't, you didn't. Keep listening till ya do! (think Clockwork Orange here, strapped down and eyes propped open. )


  18. I feel bad that I'm voting for The Foundations because I like the musical styling of it more. I love Krause's voice but it felt too soft for me regarding this version but it's still nice to listen to. Anyway, Foundations get my vote. To have tha pain every day must be difficult and so sad that you are dealing with this. I hope that you find some way to find relief from this and your ear ache.

  19. I did like the Foundations, but Alison's voice gets my vote.

  20. When blogging gets away from me, I contemplate giving it up. Sometimes, I just want to read a leave a short comment and that feels lame, but its all ah gots! Let the guilt wrap its arms around me once more!

    Alison gets my vote! I love that song, her voice and delivery. A favorite.


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