Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My world of Plum hasn't been greeted with the amount of fanfare and fondness that I had hoped you would have for it. I really would like to live there. I claim full responsibility for your not embracing this fictional world with glee. Janet Evanovich clearly paints a much more enticing picture than I. So, I am stepping out of Trenton, and Stephanie's world, for a day to reconsider my options. While it is always fun to write about a fictional place that you would love to step into, it is less so if no one takes the journey with you. So, I leave you with this to ponder instead. You can thank Shoes over at Red Shoe's Chronicles for this one. He wrote an entire post that brought me to this place. It was very funny if you need a chuckle.

image found at


  1. Hahahaha... I LOVE that cartoon even better!!!

    I hope all is well for you, Ms Robin.. :o)


  2. Robin: Write whatever you like. You style works.

  3. Oh my and shoes...that is dangerous.


    Carol-the gardener

  4. This reminds me of when I first met my husbands aunt & she was actually feeding her dog food off a plate, from the table, with a fork. And then eating off that same fork herself... so gross!

  5. I like that cartoon, it reminds me of my mom and her dog.
    that sounds wrong.
    I liked the gramma, I would want to be her when I am old. But you know me, I am along for the ride in any case.

  6. I needed that... I mean really needed it. I think I'll check out that post next. It couldn't hurt, that's for sure.

    So, Thanks to you (and Shoes)!

    Martha ;~)

  7. What's with the word plum...? Sounds delicious! Gross cartoon...


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