Monday, September 28, 2015

The Big Question: Why

I want to share with you a video clip that one of my college friends posted on her Facebook. It addresses the question of your "why" and your "what." If that made no sense, never fear. All will be explained in the clip.

Awesome, no?

I think our "what" is endless. It's all the stuff we do. Even this blog is a What in my life. Probably yours, too.

The Why is when it gets interesting.

I've been thinking a lot about my Why since I watched this video. Not quite sure I have a handle on it yet. Seems like it should be obvious, doesn't it?  Here's the thing: I don't think we're really taught to think in terms of our Why. It's more about "what do you want to do?" instead of "why do you want to do it?," which doesn't really make sense.

I think it's possible our Why can change or evolve, too (as we change and evolve). I think my Why wasn't very good up until a few years ago. It was all about external things and people. Not very healthy. Ergo, my life wasn't very healthy. Now, I'm trying to live my life in a healthier way, and that's required many changes. My Why now looks more like this: I want to live my life in a kinder, more loving way, that impacts others positively, BUT my self image is not caught up in what other people think. That's not precise enough (in my opinion), but it's closer to how I see my Why.

What is your Why? And What are you doing to get there?


  1. That guy could sing.
    I do think our whys evolve over time and change. My why now is to show others God's love. The what is my music and my presence here online.
    I think you are on track with defining your why.

    1. I think our Why evolves over time, too. Every experience shapes and defines. I'm glad you know yours so specifically:)

  2. That music teacher dude needs to get over his shyness.

    WHY is Marvin A. Jackson wearing a sport coat with his white shirt untucked? WHAT is he thinking?!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  3. I have said Why many times. Usually during hard struggles and I've had quite a few. Now I don't question as much but just to live life as honest and happy and good to others as possible. I like your reasoning and I thankful that GOD crossed our paths/blogs.

  4. I feel good now. I know my why. It's kindness to people and animals. I have a lot of whats. This is cool. I'm not perfect in my why, but I always strive. I love Amazing Grace.


    1. I'm not sure that anyone is perfect in their Why. Striving is the best anyone can do.

  5. I just accept my why is there. If I shoot for an answer I just get frustrated.

    1. I've always wanted to be a "go with the flow" sort of person. Not my style. But I can accept that this is how you roll.

  6. Good vid. I do know that feeling. In front of people I sing with caution. In my closet, I belt it out.
    As I get older I try to live with honesty. That is something like the two different renditions of Amazing Grace. I must, above all, be honest to myself and then the rest falls in place.

    1. Trying to live with honesty. I think you succeed:)

  7. Hmmm. My why. Because I want to finish my life saying I did one thing the best I absolutely could. My what? I keep writing.

    My first solo was singing Amazing Grace in 9th grade. Oh Lordy, Wish I could have sung like him!

  8. My why is acceptance - people, places, and things. There are reasons and it's okay for me not to understand it all the time

  9. Forget the what and the why. I think a better question is who? That guy doesn't even know who he is. See, that's actually Michael Jr., not Marvin Jackson. Come on, fellow white people, all black Christian comedians with the initials MJ don't look alike.

    That is a great video, though. I love the message. But I don't think people want to see the hood version of my writing. Or singing.

    (Figured as an actual comedian I should continue the whole "everyone is a comedian" thing)

    1. I followed your link. People are morons. At least the ones who post on YouTube. Why, oh why, would you post something with the wrong person's name attached to it???? BUT, the message is still pretty great:)

      I totally want to see the hood version of your writing AND singing.

  10. This might explain some of my ennui of late. I've been thinking in terms of reevaluation a lot lately and maybe what I really need to define is the why of my future. We all go through life stages and I agree that the why can evolve and often must evolve.

    More food for my head that I've been needing.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. This blog: a cure for ennui.

      That's my new why.

  11. That man could sing and it was great! I think our why changes depending where we are in life. As long as we can remain true to our own selves and strive to reach goals of some enlightenment that is our journey....that with some wine along the way helps:)

  12. Hokey smokes he did a great job driving home the connection between why and what, and that man in the audience could def. sing. ;)

  13. I need some time to think about that one, Robin. I may have run out of why's.

  14. I have several whys (and even more whats.) It would probably help if I cold narrow it down to just one why.

  15. Great post, Robin. My why is Yeshua. My what comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors. At least for now - there's expansion room (smile).

  16. If your WHY isn't enough to make you cry, it's not big enough!

    1. Good point FAE. If your why doesn't gut punch you maybe you're coasting.

  17. Oh, I have tons of whys. And why I have so many, I may never know why. :)

    1. Thanks, David. Another funny, funny man. This blog always needs more funny men:)


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