Friday, July 24, 2015

Greetings From Camp

I only have time for one very quick post.

No, this was not pre-scheduled. It's coming to you Live From Camp.

I'm having a great time, and I APPRECIATE all of you who dug through your desks for stamps, envelopes, postcards, stationery, etc. I've been receiving mail regularly... and much of it has been from you guys!!! IF you wrote to me, and didn't include a return address, please email me your address. I will write you back! rarichards68 at gmail dot com.


I pulled some pics off of Google to show you just a tiny bit of camp.

This is a photo of the glen.

Yep, we have a river with a waterfall here. When I was a camper, there was a cabin at the top of the hill. (It's since been torn down and removed to the "back 40" where all good cabins go to die.) An open air pavilion now stands where my beloved cabin used to be. I loved sleeping there because you could hear the water at night. Ah well, it remains a precious memory.

I've been teaching Air Riflery this summer. Three classes first week of camp. Only one class this week, so I've also been assisting on the .22 range. I'm impressed by what good shots we have on the .22 range. Younger girls take Air Riflery, and it's really a struggle for them to get the mechanics down. AND the guns simply aren't as accurate. Still, it's been fun.

I found this picture also on Google. This lovely young lady was actually in my Air Riflery class first week.

I'm consistently impressed by the graciousness of these young girls. They have been a delight to be around. I think maybe it's doing stuff like this that keeps a person young (at heart).

Spiritually, this time has been replenishing. I'm very thankful I decided to do this (even though it was a bit scary since I'd been gone so long). I'm coming to (finally) accept that everything happens within God's purpose and we all are where we're meant to be, even when that place is less than comfortable. God will always bring us back when we decide to listen.

You can still write to me. I would love to hear from you!

Robin Richards (aka Mergan)
Stony Glen Camp
5300 W. Loveland Rd.
Madison, OH 44057

I'll be here until Aug. 1.

I'll leave you with our Theme Song for this summer. The song is We Are and our theme is SHINE. It's a sweet sound when you hear 100+ voices singing this one around a campfire...


  1. Hi, dear Robin! I am delighted that you had time for a blog tweet from camp and very happy to know you are enjoying the experience. (No Jason Voorhees sightings, I hope.) You still have another week to relax and hone your camping skills. I will email you and would love to hear from you. Take good care of yourself, dear friend Robin!

  2. Sounds like it's good spiritual therapy for you.
    The waterfall is cool. Shame the cabin is gone.

  3. That swimming hole looks a lot like the one I remember from camp even though I know the two places are many miles apart. I wonder if you aren't having as much fun as some of the campers...

  4. What a beautiful swimming hole and so relaxing. I am glad you are finding it so rewarding. I have to ask...what is your favourite colour??

  5. Oh I so wish I was right there in that spot standing under the water fall. What a beautiful and glorious spot! I am so glad you are enjoying the visit and having time to really appreciate the girls. Kari Jobe is always a good choice. Her music will get ya right in the heart. God is there with all of you campers . What a blessing! Miss you girlie.

  6. I love that you got a bunch of snail mail!! It's fun to send out letters sometimes, even better to get them, right? :)

    Hurrah to that you're having fun at camp!

  7. Nice song.
    Sounds like you are having a great time. Probably sad it's coming to an end.


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